第121章 破釜沉舟,楚国亡命之搏!(2/8)-->>(第1/2页),请点击下一页继续阅读。

At this time, Han An was happily eating the four dishes, and his fat lips were constantly chomping.

"This dish is delicious, even if you are King of Han, you can't eat such a delicious dish!"

"Fei'er, you have to do more for Da Qin and ask the king to reward you with a few more dishes. That's enough."

Han An is very happy.

In Qin, you don't have to worry about which country you will be beaten by tomorrow, so you live very peacefully.

Besides, Qin's cuisine is really good!

Han Fei looked at his father and shook his head helplessly.

As for Li Si, he was already extremely excited at this time.

In front of the attendant, he took all his family and knelt down in front of the dishes.

"Li Si thanked the king!"

At this moment, Li Si was extremely excited.

He was originally from a commoner, but in just one year, he sat in this position, which is already a miracle.

And when the attendant left, he even offered the dishes respectfully, and he would regard this as a lifetime honor.

In addition to these courtiers, there are many other courtiers whose attitudes are roughly the same. Perhaps at this time, they will silently sigh that although the king of the empire is young, the empire is really getting stronger and stronger!

· · · Flowers · · · ·

He didn't know how powerful the empire would be in the end, but they knew that their lives would definitely get better and better.

The power of the empire is obvious to all.

The palace's Ying Zheng didn't have the delicacies of mountains and seas as he imagined, but simply ate his own sixteen dishes, burped comfortably, and then fell asleep.

Tomorrow, he will also make a new summary of the empire.

After all, next year is a brand new year.

This year, known as the first year of Qin Wangzheng, is also the year that belongs to Ying Zheng!

Tonight, there is a carnival in Xianyang City!

Tonight, most of the old Qin people have no sleep.

However, Ying Zheng hugged Yanling Ji and gradually fell asleep.

0 ...

Compared with the celebrations of Qin, the state of Chu was full of grief.

First, Ying Zheng burned a large amount of food in the Chu State, and led the Yulin guards to the Shousun City, which made the entire Chu become a little nervous.

This is a demonstration to the King of Chu!

King You of Chu died of a stroke due to the anger of Ying Zheng.

"From now on, the Qin state is my old enemy of Chu!"

Ling Yin Li Yuan issued a notice to all ministers.

However, the palace of the King of Chu was filled with sorrow.

Li Yuan said it happily, he had to be able to beat Qin State!

"We originally had some hope that we could use a large army to fight the Qin State."

"What about now? Seventy percent of the grain used to fight the war has been burned by Ying Zheng. The king is dead, and the new king has not yet been established."

"The most important thing is that the general Xiang Yan was also seriously injured. It is not certain whether he will survive or not."

"What are we going to use to fight Qin!"

In the Chu Palace, everyone was sad.

But Li Yuan was indifferent for a while.

"Although the grain storage was burned by Ying Zheng, the foundation of my great Chu has not been destroyed."

"Food is out, you can buy it!"

"Yan Kingdom and Wei Kingdom will never look at our army and stay indifferent in Chu Kingdom."

"Our messengers have already traveled to these two countries, and they will definitely provide enough food and grass for our army to use!"

"As long as we don't have food, we can still fight Qin!"

ps, it has been updated, but the manuscript will not be less. .

Chapter 122 New Year's Meeting, Seven Kingdoms Map! (3/8)

The prime minister of Chu State, also known as Ling Yin.

Ling Yin was in control of the entire Chu State's politics, even the military.

Sometimes, Ling Yin has the conditions to completely overthrow the King of Chu.

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