"The matter of Shanglin Garden will be discussed later."

"How many people should I need for Daqin's galloping road?"

Ying Zheng's gaze couldn't help but glance down.

At this moment, Meng Yi walked out.

Although Meng Yi is young, he can be in charge of one party.

"Your Majesty, if 200 million people build roads, all major roads can be built within three months."

When Ying Zheng heard this, he couldn't help but nod his head.

"Okay! These 200 million people, with the approval of the few, will be done by you Meng Yi."

"The little minister will never disgrace the king's mission."

"Not counting Shanglin Garden, there are still 600 million people available to the widow."

Ying Zheng couldn't help but look down and said slowly.

At this moment, all the officials could not help but become a little nervous.

For the first time, they felt that the population of Daqin was so huge.

So huge that no one can use it up!

But just when all the ministers felt that the Qin state was strong, Han Fei slowly walked out among the ministers and raised a rather fatal question.

ps, keep going!Dry! .

Body Chapter 124 Open up people's wisdom and create an elementary school (5/8)

Han Fei walked out slowly and asked a rather fatal question.

"Your Majesty, now Daqin has a population of [-] million, a huge number, indeed powerful."

"But the problem is that there are old people and children in the empire after all, and these people can't submit to labor."

When Ying Zheng heard this, he couldn't help but nodded slightly.

"Has no one thought about this except Han Fei?"

Lu Buwei couldn't help but walked out and said, "Your Majesty, in my Daqin law, it has always been calculated according to the household."

"There are at least two people in a family, but normally there are three or four people in one family, and there are also many families with six, seven, eight, nine people."

"One million people only need to requisition less than 30 households. Even if there are old people and children in the family, they can still help me in Daqin labor."

When Ying Zheng heard this, he couldn't help nodding lightly.

Although Daqin's laws are blunt and strict, there are times when they show some human feelings.

For example, the requisition of labor, most of which are requisitioned by the whole family, rarely suffers from lovesickness.

As for the elderly and children.

It is very difficult for people in this era to live beyond the age of forty, and there are not many elderly people.

Children under the age of six will be taken care of during the migration process and provided with sufficient food to ensure the growth of these children.

After all, these children are the future of the empire.

As for the older ones, they will concentrate on teaching martial arts, hoping that they can fight for the country.

The only popular ones are pregnant women.

If the time is short, they will cook, and if the time is long, the state will let them rest.

These systems are guaranteed in the laws of Daqin.

But Ying Zheng frowned slightly when he heard this.

"Although Daqin's laws are perfect, sometimes there are many problems."

"For example, children, pregnant women and the elderly, there will be accidents when migrating."

Thinking of this, Ying Zheng frowned.

"It's a country that should let the widow get more welfare."

Today's Ying Zheng felt that the country of Qin had already possessed a certain amount of productivity, so he could give some benefits to the people, so as to stimulate the people and make them work harder.

Thinking of this, Ying Zheng has already made a decision.

"All children under five years old can be looked after by their mothers and farm at home."

"In addition, the widow will establish the Imperial Primary School, all children over the age of five and under the age of ten can enter for free, and the primary school will exempt all students from all fees."

Ying Zheng finally issued this policy.

He is ready to completely improve the quality of the next national!

But when the minister of Qin heard the decision, he suddenly exploded.

Lu Buwei walked out first.

"Your Majesty, if the wisdom of the people is open, the empire will become uncontrollable. This is absolutely unacceptable!"

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