The old general Meng Ao even said: "The king tells us to fight, we will fight!"

"The king is named the god of war among the seven kingdoms. These strategies can't go wrong."

Compared to Meng Ao's respect, Lu Buwei took a step forward.

"Your Majesty, for Da Qin, fighting is simply a matter of life. The empire is absolutely not afraid of anyone, even if the rest of the country fights with us!"

"But you are a symbol of a country after all. If you have a problem, the whole country will be in chaos because of it. The king can't make fun of his own life and leave Daqin again."

Ying Zheng frowned slightly.

There is nothing fun in Xianyang City. If you don't fight, what else can you do?

And Lu Buwei was sincere and sincere, and the minister behind him was already kneeling on the ground.

"Your Majesty, it's better not to go out at will."

At this moment, the ministers then reached a consensus.

They want Ying Zheng not to go out of town all the time from now on, maybe one day they will be killed by the chaotic army!

How can this make these courtiers not worry at all?

That is absolutely impossible.

After all, Ying Zheng is still the King of Qin!

In this era, information is not developed, and relying on shadow guards will sometimes be lost. It is very likely that the people of Xianyang will not get the information of Ying Zheng, so they become more worried because of this.

The people of Xianyang City hoped that Ying Zheng would stay in Xianyang.

It was absolutely impossible for Ying Zheng to stay there quietly!

ps, I fell asleep, and I only wrote six chapters. The number of words in this chapter is also a little less. I will sleep for a while, and make up the remaining two chapters as soon as possible...

Chapter 126 Abandoned eleven cities, the Chu army fled without a fight (7/8)

The king is the foundation of the empire.

However, Ying Zheng was a king who made everyone worry.

Do you need Ying Zheng in war?

As long as the king is in the safe rear, the imperial warriors will die for the king.

Unfortunately, Ying Zheng- could not be quiet at all.

Even Lu Buwei was full of emotion.

"Your Majesty, the ministers are aware of your outstanding combat power, but it is still dangerous to lead Yu Linwei to war after all."

"I only hope that the king can consider for the sake of Jiangshan and Jiji, and don't take risks lightly."

Ying Zheng shook his head.

"The widow holds a huge empire. How many people in this world can kill the widow?"

"Which weapon can pierce a widow's armor?"

"Which war horse can outperform the widowed Chitu?"

"Which chariot can resist the collision of the widowed chariot?"

"Which sword is stronger than Tianwen of the widow?"

"Which army can be more sophisticated than the widowed Da Qin Ruishi?"

Facing Ying Zheng's series of questions, the courtiers below fell silent.


Can't answer at all!

Everything Ying Zheng said makes sense.

But they are worried about Ying Zheng!

After all, Ying Zheng is their king.

Ying Zheng's eyes swept over everyone, but saw that the courtiers were all silent.

No one dared to question Ying Zheng.

No one dared to provoke the majesty of the King of Qin.

Han Wang'an, who was standing in the hall, lowered his head and didn't dare to look at Ying Zheng.

He felt that Ying Zheng was simply the most powerful child in the empire.

And it's still a bear child that no one can control.

Of course, this can only be thought about, if he dares to say that to anyone, his head will not want it.

He Han An was not that stupid either.

In the end, the ministers could only compromise with Ying Zheng.

However, Lu Buwei had the best solution and changed the subject.

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