Wei general, that's called a pain!

Just in the face of these, they have nothing to do.

But at this time, Li Xin, who was standing on the city wall, suddenly felt the pressure lightened.

"There must be Meng Wu to come to help, otherwise, this city will not be able to resist for too long."

"Hurry up and take this opportunity to reinforce the city wall and wait for the army to come completely."

At this time, the infantry armored soldiers carried by Wang Ben, under the continuous fierce battle, were finally broken through the shield wall by Wei Wuzu.

"Their defense is broken! Kill!"

Wei Wuzun, who had suffered heavy losses, suddenly saw hope at this moment, and squeezed behind the shield wall like sheep entering a pack of wolves...

They originally thought that without those shields, these Qin troops were all sheep, and they were left to be slaughtered.

But what they didn't expect was that the foot soldiers behind the shield were all tigers.

The soldier did not move, three or five people were leaning against each other, facing three directions, and each small team was separated by a distance of one or two people.

They just leaned against each other, nailed to the ground like stakes, not moving at all.

Once moved, they completely exposed their weaknesses.

In this way, they are simply a humanoid fortress.

Wei Wuzu originally excitedly stabbed the short sword on the body of a foot soldier, but the next moment, he saw the short sword in his hand shattered directly!

Under such a force, only a small white spot was left on the foot armor.

The footman Jia ignored the Wei Wu soldier and slashed it with one knife. The leather armor on the Wei Wu soldier was instantly shattered, and his entire body was completely chopped to the ground.

The combat power of the Burenjia also followed this melee, and it fully bloomed!

Some wanted to throw the Bu Ren Jia down, but they found that there was an iron rod behind the Bu Ren Jia 840, and they stuck it in the soil.

The soldiers of the Burenjia seemed to grow there, no matter how others attacked, they would not be harmed. Instead, the swords in their hands posed a great threat to Wei Wuzu.

"Eyes are flaws!"

I don't know who shouted, and the soldiers of Wei Wu and Wu all stabbed at the eyes of the foot soldiers.

This is the only place the Pacer Armor has no defenses.

However, this only requires the soldier to raise his palm gently to completely cover his eyes...

No solution!

No matter how the hungry wolf-like Wei Wuzu attacked, they would not be able to break the defense of the Human Armor...

After fighting for several hours, apart from being exhausted, the foot soldiers didn't even get injured...

On the other hand, Wei Wuzu had already lost more than [-] people because of the attack!

The general of Wei State also hesitated at this time.

"Otherwise, if we can't fight, stop fighting..."

The Wei army wanted to give up the Infantry Armament led by Wang Ben.

This special is just an iron shell, it can't be bitten at all, but a mouthful of teeth is broken...

As the surrounding Wei Wu pawns slowly dispersed, Wang Ben's eyes lit up.

"You think you don't want to fight, so you can stop fighting?".

Chapter 133 Buren Jia vs. Wei Guo's Chariot! (6/10)

Looking at the gradually retreating Wei Wu pawns, a mocking smile appeared on the corner of Wang Ben's mouth.

If you continue to fight with all your strength, the foot soldiers will likely be exhausted and eventually die in the armor.


These Wei Wu pawns want to leave them alone, which is just the time for them to rest.

Wang Ben led Wei Wu's pawns, and he was too lazy to make up the formation.

The stick on the waist can not only fix the body on the ground, but also bear the weight of the armor, allowing the walker to rest.

Now, the three thousand pacers are standing there, calmly watching the Wei Wu pawns around.

Wang Ben let out a long roar.


After several hours of fierce battle, his voice has become a little hoarse.


The foot soldiers and armored soldiers roared.

At this moment, they seem to be back to training time.

They have done this countless times.

This kind of winding, before and after no more than five breaths time, all aim is completed.

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