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[Zhao Yun's physique has been loaded for you, congratulations on your successful acquisition of Zhao Yun's physique]

Ying Zizheng couldn't help but clenched his fists, he clearly felt that the weak body was filled with a powerful force!

"This Zhao Yun's physique is really amazing. Apart from making me a little taller and more shapely, there is not much difference. Perhaps the biggest change is that there is more heroism in the eyes, and the thick sword eyebrows are really too much. Handsome!"

"Now I look really heroic, but why is there so little baby fat on my face?"

Ying Zizheng grinned, this baby fat made him look more cute and less aggressive.

"Forget it, don't think about it, how could Zhao Yun be a person in the Three Kingdoms who can fight against Lu Bu for [-] rounds, and he can even ride a bloody battle against Changbanpo alone. This fighting power has already made me less worried in this world. "

"As for this day's questioning sword..."

Ying Zizheng drew his sword out of the scabbard, and a cold light shot out immediately, and the temperature in the room dropped instantly. In this sultry summer day, Ying Zizheng couldn't help shivering.

"This is the top-ranked sword in 'Qin Shi', but I didn't expect it to fall into my hands now."

Holding the sword in his hand, Ying Zizheng suddenly felt that his thoughts calmed down a bit, and he had a more killing aura.

"In this hot summer, you can use this sword as an air conditioner."

If his words were heard by others, they would definitely scold him for being rude.

"It's just that even with all this, I think it's still a little difficult to be the king of Qin."

Just as he was thinking about it, a eunuch stumbled in, crying even more on his face.

"His Royal Highness, the King has died!"

"Mr. Lu will come later, His Highness will soon become the new king!"

The second chapter of the text: Under the heavens, could it be the king's land!

After Zizheng heard the news, he was stunned for three seconds.

"My cheap dad? Just died like this? Am I the King of Qin?"

Historically, Prince Zheng was the emperor at the age of 13.

However, this is from crossing over, and it is normal to have a little difference in age.

"I am the King of Qin, so I can officially be called Ying Zheng!"

"From now on, I am Qin Shi Huang!"

Ying Zheng was excited.

Just before he could sort out his clothes, a middle-aged man in a moon-white robe walked in with a young and beautiful looking woman.

Two names also appeared in his mind.

Prime Minister Lu Buwei!

And his biological mother, Zhao Ji!

Looking at these two people, Ying Zheng's scalp went numb.

Suddenly he thought of a question.

What the hell is his son!

"Although everyone knows that Ying Zheng is the son of King Zhuangxiang of Qin, more people think that Ying Zheng is Lu Buwei's son!"

Especially seeing Lv Buwei and Zhao Ji walking in together, Ying Zheng felt even more overwhelmed.

It's just that Lu Buwei didn't feel any abnormality, instead he directly held Ying Zheng's little hand.

"From now on, you will be the new monarch of Qin! The king of Qin!"

"The entire Qin country is your territory, and everyone in the Qin country is your subject!"

"You want to lead the country of Qin to new glory."

Lu Buwei's words carried a demagogic power that made Ying Zheng couldn't help surging.

There was no grand enthronement ceremony, but with just two sentences, Ying Zheng's status was confirmed. It made him feel a heavy burden on his shoulders, and the atmosphere in the hall became serious.

Lu Buwei is indeed the most awesome investor in the pre-Qin period!

It's just that this young prime minister came here just to tell Ying Zheng to become the king of Qin?

What comes next is the point!

"Do you feel a heavy pressure? Don't be afraid, Father Zhong will shield you from the wind and rain when you are young."

This is so poignant.

If Ying Zheng is really a ten-year-old child, I am afraid that because of this, he will have a strong dependence on Lu Buwei.

However, he's not really a ten-year-old!

Lu Buwei said it well, but the real idea is to seize power!

He wants to use the identity of Ying Zhengzhong's father, the prime minister, to control the entire Qin state.

Think, it's really good!

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