But at this point, in the empire, it does not exist at all.

"The fighting will of the imperial soldiers is the most powerful in the past and present."

"This is because the Empire has been fighting for hundreds of years!"

"An army of widows will also wipe out all enemies that can be seen."

Ying Zheng clenched his fists, full of confidence.

Even if the [-] Wei Wu pawns fought against the less than [-] Da Qin soldiers, they would not gain the slightest benefit!

"Although there are only [-] Great Qin Ruishis, the black armored cavalry and the infantry armored soldiers can all be ten thousand!

"It's a pity that Wang Jian's army wants to reach the battlefield, I'm afraid they have to go to the early morning of tomorrow without sleep."

Ying Zheng couldn't help but look at the army behind him.

At this time, the [-] Qin Ruishis have been divided into several parts.

Some of them were the first to come to the rescue and never sleep.

The other part, halfway through the walk, rests on the spot, and is expected to arrive at the battlefield at noon tomorrow.

As for the last part, it is the delivery of food and grass.

However, just as the battle continued, a red light suddenly appeared in Yanmen County in the northeast.

Ying Zheng's brows could not help frowning slightly.

When his eyes fell, he had already seen the equipment of that troop.

".ˇ Yan Kingdom!"

"I didn't expect that the [-] army of Wei State would attack Daqin together!"

"The [-]-strong army of the State of Yan actually wanted to sneak around to the back of Yanmen County, and wanted to take advantage of the fact that the widowed army was at war with the State of Wei, attacking from front and back, and completely eliminated Yanmen County!"

Ying Zheng's eyes could not help but become extremely cold.

"The only troops guarding there are 6 Great Qin Ruishis led by Li Mu, and [-] people."

Ying Zheng originally thought that due to Li Mu's reputation, Yan Wangxi did not dare to take action.

Besides, his son, Prince Dan, is still in Xianyang City.

Thinking of this, Ying Zheng couldn't help showing a smile.

"Since you want to take action against Da Qin, you must be ready to be torn apart by the widow."

"Prince Dan of the Yan Kingdom should also be pushed to the front."

The corner of Ying Zheng's mouth also showed a smile.

To some extent, it was Crown Prince Yan who asked Qin to attack Zhao.

It's just that after Da Qin overthrew Zhao State, Yan State felt threatened, so they created a coalition army and wanted to destroy Qin State together!

But when Ying Zheng ordered Mo Ya to bring back Prince Dan, Mo Ya brought a piece of news that made Ying Zheng feel angry.

ps, I'm still dizzy, but I only wrote six of the tenth update... Go to bed first, then resume writing when I wake up. .

Text Chapter 134 One word rejuvenates the country, one word destroys the country (7/10)

Prince Yan, Dan, quietly escaped from Xianyang City during the festival.

Because he knew very well that once the state of Yan broke out against the state of Qin, he would definitely be killed.

So as early as a few days ago, he had already started to flee.

Mo Ya even reported: "Yan Dan escaped when the curfew was lifted during the Chinese New Year, and the person wearing his clothes was only a ranger from the country of Yan, and now that ranger has been completely captured, waiting for the king to be released.

Ying Zheng's eyes couldn't help becoming a little cold.


Ying Zheng never expected that Yan Dan would choose to escape at this time.

As for the knight, according to the laws of the Qin state, he would not be able to live.

"Did you not find the shadow guards who look after Yan Dan?"

Mo Crow kneeled on the ground respectfully.

"They were killed long ago, and the bodies were all chopped up and thrown in crock pots. We searched for a long time before we found them."

Ying Zheng's eyes became colder.

"The Shadow Guard has been dead for so long that he was discovered."

"But it's not your fault. The shadow guards are some of the most secretive people. When the few went to Chu, they took away a large number of shadow guards, resulting in not many shadow guards in Xianyang City."

"Up to now, the shadow guards have not all returned to China."

"Unexpectedly, Yan Dan suddenly seized this opportunity and quietly slipped back to China."

"It's been more than ten days now, and he should have returned to the country of Yan."

Ying Zheng quickly judged the form.

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