As a small country, it can only do so.

And this is, after the news that Li Si was going to make Qin spread out, South Korea couldn't help but let out a sigh of relief.

Since there are still envoys coming, it means that there is still a chance to talk!

"Ji Wuye! No matter what happens this time, Qin's envoys cannot be allowed to have any more accidents."

"I understand!"

What they didn't know was that Li Si was not the only one who came to Korea this time!

The ten-year-old Ying Zheng was wearing a white robe and sitting in the carriage, feeling that his bones were about to shatter!

On the contrary, Gai Nie stood on the carriage with his long sword in his arms, and he had an outstanding demeanor.

"After returning to Qin, we must improve this carriage!"

"Otherwise, the widow will never want to leave Xianyang again in this life."

The sixteenth chapter of the text goes to Xinzheng, the system carriage!

As a king, Ying Zheng naturally cares about a more comfortable life.

But he felt that as the king of Daqin, in addition to possessing enviable power, he was not satisfactory in other aspects.

For example, this carriage is much worse than a car!

"It seems that we will have to get a drawing of a four-wheeled carriage in the future. The comfort is much better than this carriage!"

The journey from Xianyang to Xinzheng is a long way. Although it is light and easy to travel, it still takes a few days.

Boredom, Ying Zheng directly opened the Qiangu Yidi system.

To his surprise, the current task has changed a lot.

[Main quest: Unify the seven countries, Degai three emperors, meritorious deeds of the five emperors, and become the first emperor of Qin Dynasty! 】

[Temporary progress: Expand territory, seize fifteen cities in South Korea, and establish Sancheon County. 】

[Ding, this is the first time that the host has opened up territory to expand the territory after the host ascended the throne. There are rewards in the system, do you want to receive it? 】

Ying Zheng was slightly taken aback.

"Mengao actually earned another gift package for the widow! Very good!"


[Ding, this gift package is a choice gift package, please choose one of the next three-point options. 】

[Option [-]: One hundred taels of gold]

[Option [-]: Exclusively for King Qin, a luxury four-wheeled carriage]

【Option [-]: Taijiquan Manual】

When Ying Zheng saw this, the corners of his mouth twitched.

"The widow has a distinguished status, is there a shortage of money? As for the widow's martial arts, it is already very high, and there is no need for Taijiquan."

"The carriage! It's what the widow wants most, so choose the second."

[Ding, the host has made a choice, and the luxury four-wheeled carriage is being delivered!Comes with four sweaty BMWs. 】

Ying Zheng looked at the delivery status displayed by the system and was a little confused.

"This system, how can the widow send the carriage over? The widow really doesn't want to ride in such a bumpy carriage anymore."

Just then, the carriage stopped suddenly.

"what happened?"

"There is an old man blocking the road ahead, and I want to meet the king."

Li Si's face was ugly, because Ying Zheng was traveling in secret, but the old man said that it was King Qin who was in the carriage!

Ying Zheng looked indifferent and walked out.

The first thing I saw was his carriage!

Didn't expect it to be delivered this way!

When the old man saw Ying Zheng coming out, he fell to his knees.

"Little old man pays a visit to the king. This carriage was carefully forged by my master and dedicated to the king!"

Ying Zheng looked calm.

Instead, Li Si was puzzled.

Chapter 1 Go to Xinzheng, the system carriage! -->>(Page 2/[-]), please click the next page to continue reading.

Instead, Li Si was puzzled.

"Who is your master?"

But the old man stopped talking and left.

Ying Zheng looked at the carriage and the four sweaty horses with joy.

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