"If we don't leave, the head will be the credit of the Qin army."

The Wei Guo auxiliary army at the gate of the city had long lost his mind and fled in an instant.

The west gate of Daliang City was also completely opened by the ram, and the siege vehicle was pushed directly onto the street in the city.

"Guard the gates of the city!"

A centurion roared, and the soldiers in the siege vehicle grabbed the weapons hanging in the siege vehicle and pulled up the shield that was blocking their heads.

One by one, their eyes were red, and they quickly emptied the nearby Wei soldiers who wanted to resist.

The Great Qin Ruishi in the rear even cleared all the stones at the gate of the city, and the army of the Qin Kingdom rushed in.

The black armored cavalry rushed in first.

Meng Tian's eyes were cold.

Chapter 169 Breaking the beam in one day, Wei died! -->>(Page 1/2), please click the next page to continue reading.

Meng Tian's eyes were cold.

"Take the King City!"

"Your Majesty, the living King Wei!"

Wang Ben followed behind, watching the black armored cavalry have run into the city, his eyes were red.

"Fuck run faster! All the credit is taken by those cavalry!"

A Kashido.

"We are wearing heavy armor and can't run fast at all!"

Today's infantry armored soldiers, because the heavy armor is too heavy, can't run as fast as Da Qin Ruishi.

They are still some distance away from the city gate.

This made many foot soldiers quite depressed.

It is easy for Daqin Ruishi to grab credit, but they run slowly and dare not take off this layer of armor, so they can't get credit!

"Fortunately, we earned enough credit before, otherwise it would be a loss to think about it at this time!"

The foot soldiers said so, and their hearts were also full of helplessness.

At this time, the Wei Palace.

Some guards have already reported the fake situation of King Wei.

"Your Majesty, Daliang City has been broken."

The King of Wei slumped weakly on the throne.

"After all... it's still broken!"

After a long time, Wei Wangjie had heard the sound of horses' hooves outside the palace.

Meng Tian's voice also spread to the city of King Wei.

"King Wei is fake! If you open the city gate, the king won't kill you!"

Wei Wangjiao finally sighed helplessly.

"In the past, Han Wangan surrendered and went to Xianyang City, so he could become a rich man after all."

"Wei country is over, you follow the widow and surrender!"

Before Meng Tian shouted three times in a row, the palace city of the Wei Palace had already opened.

Wei Wang fake, leading the ministers in the palace, all came out disheartened.

"The widow... surrendered!"

Wei Wang pretended to know that this might be the last time he called himself a widow.

Looking at the prosperous Daliang City, he couldn't help kneeling on the ground in pain.

The prosperous and romantic place for hundreds of years was now buried in his hands in one day.

After all, he did not keep the inheritance of his ancestors!

"I... I'm sorry for the ancestors!"

King Wei knelt down on the ground, crying non-stop.

But at this moment, the teenagers of the black armored iron cavalry have already drawn out the signal flare and put it directly into the air.

A fireworks exploded above the Wei Palace.

"King Wei has surrendered! King Wei has surrendered!"

You Qin Jun understood the meaning of the signal flare and immediately shouted.

Mo Ya and Bai Feng even looked at the direction of old Jiang Lianpo, who was guarded by the army.

"Surrender without killing!"

Their voices are ruthless.

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