Today's Jing Ke, who has just grown up, has a very straightforward personality.

When he came to Tian Guang, he had no reservations.

"I want to kill King Qin."

His straightforwardness made ~ Tian Guang stunned for a moment.

Afterwards, Tian Guang laughed coldly.

"Brother Jing Ke, you are trying to make King Qin Yingzheng, and it is too simple to see."

"I am a peasant hero, and I know my identity better than you."

"The head of my farmhouse, Kuiwei Hall, led three hundred disciples to Xianyang, ready to disrupt the order of Xianyang."

"Now, it's like a stone sinking into the sea, and no one has returned."

"According to the news from Qin Guozhong, all the disciples of my farm family have died."

"The hall master wins the seventh, and he is also a swordsman of the eleventh swordsmanship, but with his actual strength, no one has ever left him."

"However, in this operation, he failed completely and became a prisoner of Ying Zheng."

"And if you want to kill King Qin, it doesn't mean you can kill."

Tian Guang shook his head helplessly.

In his opinion, Jing Ke was too young after all.

However, Jing Ke stood up and pulled out the bronze dagger in his hand.

"I'm standing here, you can let your people attack me!"

"If I lose, just leave here."

"But if I win, you let me get within five steps of King Qin."

Tian Guang frowned slightly.

He saw unparalleled confidence in Jing Ke's face.

People with this kind of vision are either peerless geniuses or lunatics.

"In that case! That's good!"

"Tian Meng, come and see Brother Jing Ke for a while."

Behind Tian Guang, a young man eight feet tall walked out slowly, with his hands behind his back.

"Brother Jing Ke, be careful."

The two long swords behind him were drawn, emitting red and blue light.

Gao Jianli, who was sitting in the seat, suddenly froze.

"Mo Xie, the fifth-ranked cadre in the Sword Manual."

A smile appeared on Tian Guang's mouth.

"Everyone knows that the farmer's Shengqi is very powerful."

"But no one knows that the master of Lieshan Hall of my farm family is stronger than Shengqi."

"He is also the heir to the next generation of Xia Kui after me Tian Guang."

"If you can defeat him, it means that you have a chance to assassinate the King of Qin."

Jing Ke held the bronze long sword and stared at Tian Meng's eyes, which suddenly became extremely sharp.

"excuse me."

Mo Xie, the capable general in Tian Meng's hands, radiated a dazzling light.


Tian Meng took a step forward and happened to be within five steps of Jing Ke.

A cruel smile appeared on the corner of Jing Ke's mouth.

At the moment when Mo Xie, the go-getter in Tian Meng's hands, raised his figure, Jing Ke moved.

The curtain in the lobby fluttered rapidly, as if feeling the infinite sword intent, and even started to tear.

On the ground, there is a sword mark spreading forward.

That is the trajectory of Jing Ke's progress.

Jing Ke's sword was very fast, but in Tian Meng's eyes, it was extremely slow. There was an invisible coercion on his body, and Mo Xie's sword in his hand became extremely heavy.

"Go away!"

He waved his go-getter Mo Xie vigorously, but the next moment, the two swords flew out completely.

The short sword in Jing Ke's hand also instantly withstood Tian Meng's neck.

A touch of cold breath swirled around Tian Meng's neck, and a lot of sweat oozes out of Tian Meng's forehead.

No resistance!

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