The residual rainbow fell on it, unable to get close.

Jing Ke missed a hit, turned his body in mid-air, and stabbed Ying Zheng straight.

第193章 天子之剑,诛杀荆轲!(6/10)-->>(第1/2页),请点击下一页继续阅读。

Jing Ke missed a hit, turned his body in mid-air, and stabbed Ying Zheng straight.

However, in the next moment, Ying Zheng's Tianwen Sword was already unsheathed, easily blocking Jing Ke's broken rainbow.

"Although you can defeat Wei Zhuang Tianze, even Gai Nie may not be your opponent."

"However, in front of the widow, you are like an ant after all!"

Ying Zheng's eyes narrowed slightly, and the golden sword energy instantly emerged, piercing straight through Jing Ke's thigh, taking his body, and nailing it directly to the pillar.

The next moment, seven golden sword qi formed in succession, still pierced Jing Ke's body, and nailed him firmly to the pillar.

Jing Ke still held the Dragon Slayer Sword in his hand, and it seemed that there was lava flowing on the Canhong Sword, and the hall was filled with a dark red light.

It's just that this is the case, Jing Ke can't move after all.

Jing Ke always has a ten-step lore technique, (bgec) is nailed here, and it is destined to be unable to perform.

The next moment, Jing Ke's hand shook, and the Canhong Sword shrouded in bloodthirsty light, and threw it towards Ying Zheng.

As long as the Canning Rainbow Sword pierces Ying Zheng's wound, it is deadly enough.

It was just that Ying Zheng's body was slightly to one side, and the Canhong Sword was attached to the Mianfu, directly submerging into the pillar.

And Ying Zheng also discovered that the blade of Canhong Sword had already been rubbed on the Mianfu.

However, even with the sharpness of the Canhong Sword, it was still unable to pierce the Mianfu on Ying Zheng's body.

This could not help but make Ying Zheng once again lament the power of the system's products.

"This monarch's mian suit is a gift from the widow who destroyed the six kingdoms. The defense is amazing, and it is natural."

Jing Ke was already disheartened when he saw that this desperate hit was missed.

Coupled with the consumption of holding the Cannibal Sword, he looked even more haggard at this time.

"The reason why this assassination failed is because of my fate."

"But Da Qin is extremely cruel to the world, and it will be a matter of time to perish."

Ying Zheng looked at Jing Ke with cold eyes.

"Ten years can see spring and autumn come."

"A hundred years can prove birth, old age, sickness and death."

"The rise and fall of dynasties can be lamented in a thousand years."

"Thousands of years can change the stars."

"Looking through the ages, you Jingke are just a little dust after all."

"And the widow is destined to swallow Liuhe, sweep the Eight Wastelands, and shine for eternity."

When the words fell, Tianwen Jian Jianmang pierced Jing Ke's throat.

Jing Ke, die!

Perhaps many people think that he is fighting against brutal rule and is a famous chivalrous man in the world.

But in Ying Zheng's eyes, he was just a pawn who struggled with all his might in the confrontation between the two countries.

With his own power alone, he is destined to be unable to stop the torrent of history.

He won the government and was destined to unify the seven kingdoms!Unstoppable!

Ying Zheng couldn't help but glance at Qin Wuyang who was still sitting on the ground.

Qin Wuyang was stared at by Ying Zheng, and was so frightened that he passed out.

Ying Zheng really couldn't think of killing him at all.

"Qin Wuyang, divide the body by five horses."

This is the final verdict.

Qin soldiers entered the hall one after another and dragged Qin Wuyang outside the palace.

Witnessed by many Wei people, Qin Wuyang was put on a rope, pulled by five horses, and the unconscious Qin Wuyang was woken up in pain.

The next moment, he saw that his arms had been separated from his body, followed by his head, and his legs were torn apart.

As for Jing Ke, his body was dismembered after his death, and his head was hung outside Daliang City.

Ying Zheng glanced at the civil servants and generals below, his voice was cold and ruthless.

"Since King Yan dares to offend the widow, he has to bear the widow's anger."

"Pass the widow's order."

"Cut Yan!".

Text Chapter 194 The emotions are excited, cut Yan! (7/10)

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