Yan country is a very interesting country.

Its history can be traced back to the battle of Muye where King Wu attacked Zhou.

In fact, the state of Yan has always been a small country, and it has always been called a prince, never a king.

This is a pretty decent country.

At the same time, he was also bullied by Qi.

"The country of Yan was originally like a small country that was destroyed by those powerful countries. It should have been destroyed by a big country and become a part of a big country."

"However, the contingency of history has allowed the country of Yan to survive."

Ying Zheng looked at the boundaries of Yan State and couldn't help thinking of the history of Yan State.

The state of Yan, although it is martial at home, is actually not very strong.

In other words, this country has been continuing the Zhou Dynasty!

"The country of Yan was originally supposed to be wiped out. The reason why it was able to change from a small place to today's Seven Heroes of the Warring States period is thanks to the credit of one person."

"That's Su Qin!"

"Su Qin was originally just a farmer's child, and later became a Guigu disciple."

"But he became famous, but he was reused in the country of Yan."

"Afterwards, in the process of envoy to the State of Zhao for the State of Yan, I got the appointment of the State of Zhao. From then on, I plan to persuade the six countries to join forces and fight against the State of Qin together!"

"Since then, Su Qin has persuaded Yan, Zhao, Han, Wei, Qi, Chu and other six countries to form the Six Nations Alliance."

"And Su Qin himself wore the seal of the Six Nations."

"At that time, Su Qin's strength commanded the six 660 countries to be more powerful than Zhou Tianzi, and even when Zhou Tianzi met him, he would make way for him."

"Su Qin also used the convenience of his position to let the State of Yan develop, and then the State of Yan agreed with Han, Wei, Zhao, Zhongshan and other countries to become kings of each other."

"At that time, Emperor Zhou was still majestic and able to command the world. However, after these five small countries have all claimed to be kings of each other, it means that Emperor Zhou has been completely weakened."

"If it was said that in the past, it was possible to respect the king and smash the barbarians and dominate the world, but in the later period, no one will be the emperor of Zhou."

"The country of Yan has also benefited from this, and since then he has become the king. With the help of Su Qin, he has also gained a lot of territory, and even exempted the attack of Qi."

"And this Su Qin, relying on the alliance of the six countries, even forced Da Qin to not dare to leave Shanhaiguan for fifteen years!"

"It is precisely because of this that the country of Yan seized this opportunity and gradually became stronger."

"Then, the reason why Yan State was able to be called one of the Seven Heroes of the Warring States Period was also due to luck.

The main reason was probably that the place he occupied was too remote.

Everyone thinks that the north is a place of bitter cold, and no one wants to live there.

But the country of Yan was okay and liked to live there, so naturally there were many fewer enemies.

It's just that the most interesting person in the Yan Kingdom is not Su Qin! .

Body Chapter 197 Yan State's Concession System (10/10)

The Yan Kingdom was a small country, and it was not destroyed in the end. More, I am afraid it is due to luck.

It has always adhered to the principle that whoever is stronger will obey.

The only thing that doesn't change is the death feud with Qi!

Its main enemy is the state of Qi, who has fought against the state of Yan for hundreds of years!

"However, the fight between the state of Yan and the state of Qi is nothing. The most interesting thing is that the state of Yan has a concession system."

"When the power of the prince of the state of Yan was so powerful, the king of the state of Yan gave the throne to his son."

"However, when Zizhi became the Queen of Yan, King Yan's son Ping was not happy, and he fought with Zizhi many times. In the end, Qi State took advantage of Yan's internal turmoil and conquered Yan State in fifty days."

"After Zizhi and the previous King Yan were forced to death, because of Su Qin, some other countries still have feelings for the State of Yan, especially the State of Zhao."

"Then they joined forces to put pressure on Qi, coupled with the resistance of the people of Yan, and finally succeeded in expelling the soldiers of Qi."

"Then, Zhao Guo escorted the prince who was hostage in Han to be the king, which is later King Yan Zhao."

"King Yanzhao's daughter bought horse bones, and many people are talking about it."

"He built the Golden Terrace by the Yishui River, just to recruit talents from all over the world."

Because King Zhao of Yan had already seen the benefits that Su Qin brought to Yan.

The king of Yan State did not have much ability, he just hoped to find good ministers to make Yan State stronger.

"Then Le Yi reformed the State of Yan and imitated the State of Qin everywhere, and finally the State of Yan became what it is today."

"As for the Seven Heroes of the Warring States Period, it was because they fought against Qi State and won two consecutive battles, and finally got this place."

When Ying Zheng thought about the history of the Yan Kingdom, he couldn't help but find it quite interesting.

"However, this kind of recruiting officials and imitating Qin will not change the fate of Yan as a small country in the end."

"It's not that they're not fighting enough, it's that they have an ideological problem."

"They are completely the kind of white-eyed wolves who rely on whomever is strong, and who are ready to fight when they feel that they have some strength."

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