After saying this, Ying Zheng fell straight to the back.

As for why he didn't pour it forward, nonsense, there are vegetables in front of him, he doesn't want to make a face of soup!


As the bodyguard, Gai Nie didn't eat any food, he stepped forward and supported Ying Zheng.

The injured shadow guards all jumped up and drew out their knives, protecting Ying Zheng's surroundings.

"Protect the king."

At this moment, Shadow Secret Guard can't take care that he is still injured.

Gai Nie couldn't help pinching Ying Zheng's wrist, wanting to transfer internal force into Ying Zheng's body.

But then he saw Ying Zheng wink at him, and then he pressed on again.

Chapter 1 The real murderer appears, Baiyue Tianze-->>(Page 2/[-]), please click on the next page to continue reading.

But then he saw Ying Zheng wink at him, and then he pressed on again.

Gai Nie was stunned for a moment, but he quickly understood what Ying Zheng meant.

"Is it the poison of the purple girl?"

Gai Nie carried Ying Zheng on his back and was about to go out.

But then, a purple mist rose with it.

Immediately after, a dark red figure walked in slowly.

He has long blue hair and dark red eyes.

The body is wrapped around a snake skull chain.

He didn't say much, just walked in the direction of Ying Zheng step by step, and three figures appeared one after another behind him.

A woman with an enchanting figure, with a faint flame rising from her body.

A big man with a height of three meters, even Ying Zheng didn't understand why there are people who are so tall in this world.

Another was a skinny old man who looked very old.

Ying Zheng, who was behind Genie, couldn't help but slowly revealed a smile.

"Master, has it finally appeared?"

Ying Zheng felt that at this moment, there was no need to hide anything.

He jumped directly off Genie's back and stood on the table.

If he doesn't stand here, he needs to raise his head to see these people clearly.

As the King of Qin, this time he lost his status.

Glancing over, the name of the person was also displayed on the system.

[Baiyue Abandoned Prince: Tian Ze]

[He was imprisoned in South Korea for ten years and suffered inhuman abuse all the time for ten years. The chains on his body grew in his flesh and blood, but now they have become his most powerful weapon. 】

"It looks like you killed the Qin envoy."

Ying Zheng's eyes were gloomy, staring at Tian Ze in front of him.

Tian Ze's lunar calendar was tyrannical, and he was a little disappointed to see Ying Zheng still standing there.

"It didn't poison you."

"Where's Li Si?"

"He is the envoy of Qin. Of course, he wants to keep him back and tell the King of Qin to become famous and attack South Korea."

"It turns out that you killed the Qin envoy to provoke a war between Qin and Han."

Ying Zheng suddenly realized.

In the past, South Korea destroyed Baiyue.

Now the former prince of Baiyue wants to use the power of Qin to destroy Korea.

"You calculated very well, but you should not have calculated me, Da Qin!"

"You shouldn't even want to poison the widow to death."

Tian Ze's pupils suddenly shrank.

"A widow? You are... King Qin!"

Chapter [-]: Suppress Tianze!

Tian Ze didn't even know that the ten-year-old boy in front of him was King Qin!

He just wanted to poison Li Si's entourage, thus completely angering Li Si and Qin.

But he didn't expect that this kick would hit the iron plate!

And instead of poisoning King Qin to death, he was tricked by Ying Zheng.

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