"Must chase!"

In Linyi City, Lejian suddenly realized.

"By doing this, the Qin army directly bypassed the [-] army and directly attacked Jicheng."

"Don't they feel very risky doing this?"

"As long as the army is pushed back horizontally, the [-] Qin army will probably die in the country of Yan!"

Le Jian looked at the map of Yan Kingdom, but found that he could not understand Qin Jun's tactics at all.

Because in the wars of the Seven Kingdoms, from the Spring and Autumn Period to the Warring States Period, there was not such a big one.

The [-] troops simply turned a blind eye to them.

Perhaps it can be said that the Qin army is not afraid of the 20 army!

This made Lejian quite angry.

"No one can ignore my army!"

"Order, except for the [-] people who guard the city, everyone else, chase the Qin army!"

"We double the number of enemies, we can't kill them if we don't believe it!"

Lejian was completely angry, and he took the soldiers and chased them away from the Qin army.

It's just that in the process of recovering, Lejian kept excluding spies from patrolling the front.

第203章 直抵燕王城!(6/8)-->>(第1/2页),请点击下一页继续阅读。

It's just that in the process of recovering, Lejian kept excluding spies from patrolling the front.

"If there is an ambush ahead, be sure to check it out."

"General, if this is the case, it will delay the tracking process. After all, there are not many defenders in Jicheng."

Now, the state of Yan has dropped most of its troops to Yishui, ready to consume the Qin army.

But no one thought that Ying Zheng would bypass this strongest line of defense and run directly to Wangcheng to kill him.

If King Yan was captured, the state of Yan would naturally be self-defeating.

Lejian will never allow this to happen.

In fact, Ying Zheng had no intention of ambushing his descendants at all.

This method can only be used once.

Only this made the pursuit slower.

It will take some time for those scattered [-] troops to gather together.

As for the former city on the road ahead of Ying Zheng, there were not many defenders in it at all.

When the [-] Qin army swayed past the city's bifd, the defenders were like quails, shivering with fear.

Ying Zheng estimated that the number of defenders in these small towns would not exceed a few thousand.

Even if such a city could be taken down, it would be of little interest.

Even, Qin Jun walked all the way down, there was a sense of unhindered, even if some troops occasionally wanted to stop, they would be easily defeated by the black armored iron cavalry.

Thinking of this, the smile on Ying Zheng's face became even stronger.

"The country of Yan, as expected, has put all its strength on the banks of Yishui. Apart from playing some clever tricks, Prince Yan can't fight at all!"

"In the Yan Kingdom, the generals who can fight will probably be excluded from foreign countries because of their high merits."

A sneer appeared on the corner of Ying Zheng's mouth.

How powerful Le Yi was in the past, he has made countless contributions to the rise of Yan Kingdom, but in the end, he died of old age in Zhao Kingdom.

The remaining generals of the Yan Kingdom were nothing but crooked melons and cracked dates.

However, this hurried march soon reached darkness.

"Your Majesty, now there is only 30 miles left from Ji, do you still want to continue walking?"

Next, the army will have two options.

One is to not rest and hit Jicheng all the way.

The other is to be stationed again, open the camp and pull out the village tomorrow morning, and fight steadily to fight thistle.

"If you stay here, the Yan army in the rear is likely to catch up."

"If that's the case, then it's better to go under Jicheng completely and discuss how to attack the city."

Ying Zheng looked at the old Qin people at the back, and even after walking more than [-] miles, he still did not complain.

Of course, they are already tired, and no one wants to complain.

Ying Zheng also knew that these people were too tired to complain.

Taking advantage of the darkness, the army continued to walk.

It will take about an hour or two for a 30-mile journey to get there.

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