When they saw this, they felt their heads dizzy, and the description of Qin Jun was circulating in the market, and they couldn't help but feel even more fearful in their hearts.

Holding the head in the left hand and holding the prisoner in the right hand, there is a smile on his face, like a tiger wolf...

They began to worry that the heads of these armies would be their heads...

At this time, the news had already been passed on to Prince Yan's residence.

When Yan Dan received the news, he was even more shocked.

"The Qin army hit Jicheng?"

第204章 惊慌中的燕王城(7/8)-->>(第1/2页),请点击下一页继续阅读。

"The Qin army hit Jicheng?"


"Are you sure it's Qin Jun?"


Yan Taizidan hesitated.

"The Yishui line of defense ahead, but there are [-] Yan troops stationed. If there is a war, we will be the first to get the news."

"But why did the Qin army reach the Jicheng without making a sound?"

"how can that be?"

At this time, Ying Zheng was sitting in the chariot, looking at the Jicheng in front of him, and his heart was full of sighs.

· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·???????

This is the imperial capital of later generations.

But at the moment, it is not as grand as later generations, although the city wall is more than [-] meters high, it can be regarded as a big city.

Ying Zheng looked at the city and called Li Mu directly.

"Shout twice to scare the Yan people."

"Tell them that my army of Qin is here."


Li Mu quickly arranged this matter, and the [-] old Qin people were immediately extremely excited.

They didn't expect that the king did not take them to fight anyone, and went directly to the city of Jicheng, King Yan's city.

Then didn't it kill the thistle directly, and the whole country of Yan was destroyed?

They have never fought such a battle before!

. . .

Hearing King Rang shouting twice, these Qin soldiers were even more excited.

Now that they have all gone outside the city, seeing the torches rising from the city wall also proves that the defenders have discovered their existence.

Then, declare your existence.

"Wan Sheng!"

"Your Majesty Wansheng!"

"Imperial Victory!"

There were only a few dozen people shouting at the beginning, then thousands of people drank together, and then [-] people drank together.

The quiet night in Jicheng was completely torn apart by the cry of Qin Jun.

The people in Jicheng even rubbed their sleepy eyes and looked out the window.

"What are you shouting outside?"

"Are those languages ​​dialects there? I don't understand very well."

"Is there an army open?"

In Jicheng, many people's homes have candles.

In the Prince's Mansion at this time, Yan Dan's face turned pale when he heard this shout.

"This is the voice of Qin people!"

Yan Dan has been a proton in Qin for so long, and he is already too familiar with Qin people.

After hearing this voice, he knew that Qin Jun had already called.

The number is probably as many as [-] or [-]!

And these [-] people drinking together sounded thrilling.

Even more, I felt that there were thousands of troops outside.

"How did the Qin army hit Jicheng without making a sound?"

"Could it be that Yishui's defenders have defected?".

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