"It's almost catching up to Liaodong. It seems that Yan Wangxi is planning to hide on the other side of the Daling River and has no plans to come back."

Ying Zheng thought really well. King Yan was staying in Xiangping City in Liaodong, and he never wanted to run away again.

Liaodong and the last piece of land in the Yan Kingdom, if you want to run away, you can only run to the Xiongnu!

However, King Yan was happy to know that this place was originally a barbarian land, and it was too far away from China, so it was unlikely that Ying Zheng would send a large army to chase it here.

Furthermore, he finally offered the Crown Prince Dan to Ying Zheng.

Ying Zheng really did not need to go to Liaodong to pursue Yan Wangxi.

第215章 兵临辽东,燕国名存实亡!(10/10)-->>(第1/2页),请点击下一页继续阅读。

Ying Zheng really did not need to go to Liaodong to pursue Yan Wangxi.

Even if they were shot down, they might not be able to hold it because the place was too far away.

After all, the blind state of Chu in the south is also eyeing it.

After all, Qin State and Chu State have equal national strength.

And Ying Zheng knew that as long as he built and destroyed the Yishui army that was stopped by Lejian, the state of Yan would be completely dead in name only.

"After the widow kills Lejian, this Yan land can be divided into four counties: Shanggu, Yuyang, Youbeiping, and Western Liaoning."

"As for the Yan army in Liaodong, it has been unable to form an effective threat to the empire."

"After the state of Chu is destroyed, it will not be too late to destroy Liaodong!"

"As for these Yan Kingdom troops, they are already vulnerable."

Because of the arrival of Ying Zheng, the Qin army was very excited, directly piercing the enemy's thirty-mile line of defense, directly dispersing all the remnants of the army, and even more than [-] prisoners!The number of beheadings is as high as [-].

The coach Le Jian was even stabbed to death by Meng Tian.

The remaining remnants of the army were led by a veteran named Ju Xin to flee.

Ying Zheng couldn't help but rang out. In the materials reported by Shadow Secret Guard, there was also information about this drama.  …

"The state of Yan and the state of Zhao, the two countries are quite close."

"Zhao Ren is the general of Yan, this is the most common thing, and Ju Xin is Zhao Ren."

"After King Yan Zhao cast the golden platform and Naxian, Ju Xin came to Yandi from Zhaodi, and is even as famous as Le Yi and Zou Yan."

Le Yi led the five-nation coalition to attack Qi and defeated the strong by the weak. He was a famous general in the Warring States Period.

Wrinkle Yan is also known as Zou Zi.

This is the founder of the Yin-Yang family, an existence that can be regarded as a child, and has a terrible reputation in the Warring States!

Although these three people came from different places, they were all officials in Yan State!

But unlike Le Yi and Zou Yan, although Ju Xin is as famous as these two, he has not achieved much.

The fundamental reason is because he is an extremely cautious person.

Otherwise, he would not have been able to live from the time of King Yan Zhao to the present, and he would still be reused by King Yan.

"The drama is the elder of Lejian, but the general is Lejian, which is really interesting."

Mo Ya said: "Your Majesty, Ju Xin is not a general, but an official in Wuyang City. Only at the end did he stand up and gather the remnants of the army."

"Li Mu, you lead an army of [-] to hunt down the Yan army led by Ju Xin."

"In addition, the children of the farm families caught on the battlefield should first concentrate all 3.9 units in the hands of Yu Linwei."

"The widow should know the news about the farmhouse from their mouths!"

Although Ying Zheng had a farm hall master by his side, the low-level disciples of these farm houses also needed to be interrogated.

After all, it was these low-level disciples who made trouble in Xianyang City.

Ying Zheng, who was assassinated here, was still a peasant disciple.

Moreover, these peasant disciples used the peasant's formation to stop the Qin army.

"And most importantly, it is said that Tianguang, the knight of the peasant family, has a lot to do with Jing Ke, who assassinated the widow."

"How can a widow let him live in the world with such a person?"

ps, I feel dizzy today, it hurts terribly, and there are fewer updates, which is really embarrassing.

When I wake up, if my head doesn't hurt tomorrow, I'll continue for ten more. .

Body Chapter 216 The Doom of the Farmhouse (1/6)

The peasant family has repeatedly blocked the empire's footsteps, which has completely angered Ying Zheng.

"Black crow, the shadow guards in the land of Yan are all incorporated into the Jinyi guards."

"Farmer, I want you to take it to the bottom and pull it out."

"Meng Tian, ​​you lead Yu Linwei to assist in the arrest."


Mo Ya and Meng Tian took orders quickly.

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