If you choose no, then there is only death!

All of them are the gears that make up the great empire, and they are the tools of the empire!

And it is precisely because of this close relationship that the empire can show its incomparably powerful strength.

The next step is to clean up the territory of Yan State.

"The laws of Qin should be added one by one."

"These, I believe that you can solve them very well."

After all, there are so many people in the empire, and these people will be managed according to the laws of Qin.

However, when Ying Zheng saw the Daqin Law for the first time, he saw many interesting clauses.

For example, if the son is not filial, the parents can discipline him, and if he goes against the will of the parents again, the parents can ask the government to execute him.

The empire uses laws to ensure the filial piety of children.

In this regard, Ying Zheng does not intend to delete this law.

Of course, there is also picking up gold. Even if you pick up a penny, if you don’t hand it over to the government, you will be severely fined!

Stealing a piece of fruit from someone else's house will also be punished severely, not to mention stealing vegetables from other people's yard!

Even stealing will deprive you of the right to be a Qin person, and eventually go to build roads for the state for free.

Among them, if they see death and do not help, or do not help others in danger, they will be severely dealt with by the law, ranging from fines to deprivation of rights.

These laws are extremely overbearing, but each of them is based on the most basic moral principles!

It's just that the Qin state turned many morals into laws.

Force everyone to be a law-abiding good citizen!Otherwise, there is no right to survive in the Empire.

"Although the widow has given the people a lot of benefits, they do not intend to drastically change these laws."

Ying Zheng felt that only if these laws were guaranteed, could the productivity of the empire be greatly enhanced and eventually surpass the other six kingdoms.

"Of course, right now, there are only two countries left."

"The country of Yan only has Liaodong, which is too far away from Xianyang to control."

"But after destroying the state of Chu, you can send a large army at will, and you can completely destroy the state of Yan."

"Right now, all the small countries in the Seven Kingdoms have been completely wiped out."

"Only three great powers remain."

"Qin Qichu!"

"Fortunately, the Seven Kingdoms are going to be an ostrich this time."

"If the state of Chu fights with the widow, then no matter what, there will only be one end for the state of Chu."

"That's death."

"Qi people are timid, Chu people are brave."

"After destroying the state of Chu, the state of Qi is nothing to worry about."

Ying Zheng couldn't help but open the map and looked at the huge empire.

【The Great Qin Empire】

第224章 残暴的秦国律法?(3/8)-->>(第1/2页),请点击下一页继续阅读。

【The Great Qin Empire】

[King: Ying Zheng]

【Age: 11 years old】

【Land area: 1 square kilometers. 】

[Main ethnic group: Huaxia. 】

[Population: 1600 million. 】

Ying Zheng looked at the data, and his heart was filled with excitement.

"The current Da Qin has occupied half of the area of ​​the Seven Kingdoms!"

"It's just that there are a lot more people in this population."

"If it's the official population, it's probably two or three million people less!"

"This should be because there are still many hidden households in the empire, hiding in the deep mountains and old forests and reluctant to come out."

"But these people, sooner or later, will become the children of the widow."

"It's really getting closer and closer to the unification of the seven kingdoms by a few people, the achievements of the past, and the proclamation of the emperor."

Ying Zheng's heart was full of excitement.

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At the same time, he opened the map, and when he saw the huge land area, he was even more excited.

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