Arriving in Zhangtai Palace, Ba Widow Qing couldn't help feeling awe.

"I haven't been to Xianyang for many years. I never thought that the palace in Xianyang has become so majestic."

"Only a palace like this can be worthy of the king of Qin who swallows the world."

Widow Ba couldn't help thinking that she had entered the palace at the same time, and bowed Ying Ying to Ying Zheng on the high platform.

"The widow of the Ba people, Qing, meet the king."

Ying Zheng did not reply to her words, but looked at her carefully.

I have to say that under this Shu Jin, the body of Ba Widow Qing's Feng Man is completely outlined.

Now that she is so prostrate on the ground and outlines the perfect curve, it has a different flavor.

Perhaps in the past, there were some men kneeling here.

However, as an emperor, Ying Zheng didn't want any women. He did this, and more, to relieve the pressure on the widow Ba.

"The Pakistani rebellion, do you know why?"

Ying Zheng's voice was extremely cold, full of majesty and domineering.

Widow Ba did not dare to raise her head, her forehead was still on the ground.

"Because of the instigation of the Chu people, those Chu people are all members of the Qu family. Since the empire's white generals forced Qu Yuan to death, the Qu family regarded the empire as a mortal enemy."

Ying Zheng never imagined that a woman of this era would have such general knowledge.

However, Ba Widow Qing holds such a huge business group, and it is normal to understand this.

"Yes, it's good that you can say this."

"It's just the Badi rebellion. After all, a lot of Qin people died. Your family can't escape the relationship after all. It's really too loose for the few people to treat the Bashu land."

Widow Ba immediately understood the meaning of Ying Zheng's words, and her body was already shaking.

Once Qin Fa completely occupies Bashu, can their family still become such a big business group?

They don't even know!

Because in their perception, the laws of the Qin state are to suppress the merchants.

"Your Majesty, Your Majesty Qing Yu, have long been tied together."

"Qing knew that the empire was facing a crisis of food shortage, so he donated all the food in his family."

"These grains can feed [-] people for a year."

"Nowadays, Qing is more willing to buy so much food with money to supply the empire's army."

But Ying Zheng's mouth showed a smile when he heard this.

"Have you stayed in Bashu for so many years, do you only have enough food for [-] people for a year?"

When Ying Zheng's words came to this point, Ba Widow Qing's face turned pale.

But she still didn't look up, Ying Zheng couldn't see it.

But Ying Zheng could clearly see that her body was shaking violently.

"According to the information of the shadow guard, the food in the land of Bashu is enough for at least one million people to eat for a year!"

"And you, only gave food to [-] people."

"The widow who has expired in this way should be punished by death."

"Your Majesty is wronged! Those grains are scattered all over the place. The elders in the family are unwilling to pay it, and I have no choice..."

Ying Zheng saw that Ba Widow Qing had collapsed, and the smile on his face became even stronger.

Now Ying Zheng has used his authority to disintegrate all the defense lines of Ba Widow Qing.

Next, is the complete slaughter of Bashu! .

Chapter 237 Building Huaiqing Terrace and conquering Bashu

Apart from Lu Buwei, there were two wealthy merchants in the Qin state.

One is the Ba-widow-Qing family of Bashu, who started out mainly from cinnabar mines, and their wealth is unimaginable.

The other wealthy businessman was Wu Shilu, a large livestock herder in the north, who mainly sold cattle and horses.

As for the wealth of the Bashu Ba Widow Qing, even if Ying Zheng passed the shadow guard, he was not very clear.

But he knew that Ba Widow Qing once invested in the construction of the Great Wall for the empire!

This is enough to know how rich Ba Widow Qing is.

"Maybe Ba Widow Qing is still a little young and can't control the entire family."

"But this time, Bashu must fall into the hands of the widow."

Ying Zheng also didn't want to talk nonsense to Widow Ba, and said directly.

"Millions of people can use food for a year. You must hand it over. Whoever dares to resist can send an army to destroy it."

"In addition, you cooperate with the imperial army to eradicate all the secret agents of Chu State in Bashu, and ensure that the Ba people will not betray."

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