Ying Zheng's eyes were full of gloom.

For such a woman with only desire in her eyes, if she is the regent, the Qin state can only gradually disappear!

Furthermore, Ying Zheng knew very well how much this woman's scandal would affect him.

There were many rumors between her and Lu Buwei.

Then he had an affair with the fake eunuch, and the fake eunuch even said that he was his fake father, so he wanted to change the palace!

"It's not a pity for such a woman to die!"

"However, killing her now has a bad reputation for me. When that day comes, it won't be too late to do it."

On the original trajectory, this woman was killed by Qin Shihuang. Now that Ying Zheng has changed his personality, he has no pressure to kill Zhao Ji.

"Lord Mother, the father has just passed away, and my son should guard the mausoleum for three years. However, the country is busy, so I can only trouble my mother to replace my son."

Before Zhao Ji could speak, Ying Zheng blocked her with a single word!

Zhao Ji was also stunned.

He was supposed to be the empress dowager to enjoy the glory and wealth, but now, Ying Zheng wants her to guard the mausoleum for the late king?

Is this something she can live with?

no way!

"What nonsense my son said, you are still young, of course, I want my mother to share the burden for you, so that no one cares about your position."

Ying Zheng's heart was full of sneer.

Now I am the king of Qin, what I say is what I say.

Soon, some old officials understood what Ying Zheng was thinking, and with one look, a guard dragged Zhao Ji down.

Ying Zheng felt a little embarrassed in his heart.

Chapter 1 The tyrannical Qin State! -->>(Page 2/[-]), please click the next page to continue reading.

Ying Zheng felt a little embarrassed in his heart.

Originally, I thought that these courtiers would say some righteous and dignified words before making a move.

But who would have thought it would be so simple.

Are you not satisfied?

You don't need to serve, you just need to execute the king's will.

Therefore, no matter how Zhao Ji struggled, she could only obediently guard the mausoleum for the late king for three years.

If there is any problem, the empress dowager should accompany the first emperor!

This is Qin State!

If other countries are big trees with luxuriant branches, then the Qin country is a metal block that has been tempered!

In this country, apart from the King of Qin, only the strict laws are supreme!

This country has an aura of tyranny from the inside out.

"But widows like this kind of country!"

Ying Zheng has changed his name accordingly, and he is beginning to enjoy the position.

Sitting on the throne, although there is no crown yet, he is already the king of all!

"After Shang Yang's reform, Qin has become the most powerful country in the Seven Kingdoms!"

"It's just that such a country is really too weak in the eyes of the widow!"

From the Qin state seen from the system, Ying Zheng felt the endless backwardness.

"Bronze is still used as a weapon in this era. Although the craftsmanship is at its peak, compared with iron, it is still far behind!"

"If there are iron weapons, three thousand black armored iron cavalry can sweep the entire seven kingdoms!"

In Ying Zheng's eyes, a scorching light also rose.

"Where is the widow's general? Now, come with me to see the widow's army!"

Ying Zheng's small body stood up directly.

Lao Qin established his country with martial arts, and his fighting power was naturally the strongest.

He was also curious as to what kind of army would be able to unify the seven countries in the end.

After the words fell, Meng Ao, dressed in black, walked straight out and knelt down on one knee.

"Your Majesty, the king's army is guarding the king's city and can be inspected at any time."

After Ying Zheng heard this, he obviously felt a different taste.

"Defend the royal city? Could it be that someone is trying to beat the widow?"

"Reporting to Your Majesty, you are attacking my Daqin country's idea!"

The fourth chapter of the text is born to fight!The sword points to the Eastern Zhou Dynasty!

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