The effective range is also about 3 miles.

And these cannons, in all their performance, are about the same.

"In addition to the artillery, tens of thousands of shells and matching gunpowder were sent here."

Ying Zheng nodded slightly.

"These are enough to destroy the state of Chu!"

"All artillery, equipped on the battleship."

"On the widow's ship, 50 doors must be assembled!"

Chapter 250 300 Cast Iron Cannons! -->>(Page 1/2), please click the next page to continue reading.

"On the widow's ship, 50 doors must be assembled!"

"The rest of the battleships can be equipped with 30 doors!"

"The five-tooth warship is not suitable for placing too many artillery pieces due to its high hull."

"Each ship can be equipped with 12 doors."

"The rest of the artillery will be left in Hucheng and used to defend the city."

Ying Zheng quickly made a decision.

With the collaborative work of tens of thousands of people, the five fighting ships and the remaining eight five-tooth warships were all equipped with artillery.

As for the remaining five-tooth warship, due to the serious damage, it will take longer to repair.

So this warship stopped directly beside Hucheng.

The fleet led by Ying Zheng this time can truly be called a fleet!

"All warships are equipped with 266 iron guns."

"This number of artillery pieces is enough to destroy everything!"

Ying Zheng is full of confidence in this regard.

Although a large number of guns are equipped, the warships that can carry thousands of people have been greatly reduced.  …

Each warship can only carry 400 people!

A total of thirteen battleships add up to only [-] people!

But these [-] people are the elites of the empire.

Ying Zheng is going to train these [-] people into real sailors!

"In the empire, it has always been one person who learns to fight, ten people to teach, ten people to learn to fight, and hundreds of people to teach."

"In this way, this incomparably powerful Great Qin Ruishi was created."

"So is the navy."

"When these soldiers have experienced the baptism of this war, they will become the most elite sailors in the empire!"

"And at that time, the real warriors of the imperial navy were far from just these few thousand people!"

Of course, in addition to these [-] people, there are more than [-] warships, large and small, but most of their functions can only be used as troop transport and supply.

However, when Ying Zheng was preparing to go south and attack Chu State Shouchun, Xiang Bo in Pingyu was always afraid of his rear.

"Now King Qin has run behind us. If we are besieged from front and back, it will be difficult for us to continue fighting!"

"If the army of [-] people is disintegrated because of this, then the state of Chu will be reduced by at least [-] people."

"At that time, if you want to defeat Qin, it will become more difficult."

A general couldn't help but ask: "Do we need assistance to the rear?"

"You don't need 3.1, Hucheng is near the water, and my Chu State's navy is dispatched, it will be enough."

"The battle of the navy, after all, we lost."

"That's just a hundred warships. Do you know how many warships there are in the state of Chu?"

"In the past, in the water battle of Qi and Wu, 500 warships were used."

"Our country has even used 300 ships to destroy a small country!"

"And at this critical moment of life and death, there are at least 3000 ships to correspond to the navy of the Qin State!"

"Do you know what it looks like when 3000 warships gather together?"

Ying Zheng didn't know whether these Chu people had met.

But he really saw it.

ps, I have a cold, I have been running nose, the update is late, continue to write. .

Chapter 251 Ying Shui was dyed red by the blood of Chu people.

The Chu army's three thousand warships, large and small, all rushed to Hucheng at this time.

Being able to mobilize so many warships in ten days has proved the strength of the Chu army.

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