[Unification of the Seven Kingdoms Mission: 4/6]

In the system's identification, the great Chu, who had been brilliant for [-] years, has died!

Ying Zheng was not quite satisfied with this.

Although only 4 countries were destroyed on the system mission, there were actually five.

In Yan State, it has already existed in name only.

But right now, how to occupy a large area of ​​Chu State is the most important thing.

Ying Zheng stared coldly at Fu Chu.

"Do you know what to do next?"

"The complete surrender of the Chu State is already being communicated to the local area, and all troops must not resist."

"very good!"

Ying Zheng was quite satisfied with this.

In this way, even if there are still more than [-] troops in the state of Chu, after this order from King City of Chu is issued, those Chu people will be completely surrendered!

Of course, there will be only a small number of people who have not surrendered, but this is irrelevant.

"Very well, in Xianyang of the empire, the widow has prepared a place for you."

"And you will also be rewarded with money from the fief."

Hearing this, I could not help but let out a sigh of relief.

Although I have to go far to Xianyang, I don't need to die anyway.

As for the ministers below, Ying Zheng asked Li Xin to keep all the powerful ones on board, while the cowardly ones were sent back to the King City of Chu, where he was appointed as the county governor of Qin and managed here.

"From then on, the state of Chu will be divided into Jiujiang, Kuaiji, Dongting, Changsha, Nanyang and other counties' ~."

"The empire will completely control the entire country of Chu!"

Ying Zheng knew that these policies to assimilate the state of Chu would require the help of Lu Buwei of the Xianyang Palace and other officials of the Qin state to help formulate them.

It's just these little things.

This also cannot change the fact that the Chu State has completely perished.

At the same time, the navy of Chu State raised the white flag and surrendered after learning the news of the surrender.

The navy of Chu State is definitely the one who wants to surrender the most!

They knew very well that they couldn't beat Qin at all!

If you can't beat it, you can only surrender.

Afterwards, Ying Zheng let two thousand Qin soldiers disembark and control the Chu Kingdom's royal city, especially the palace and some granary places, without the slightest damage.

The remaining [-] people were barely able to stay in these warships.

As for Rugu and those courtiers, they were already left on the boat.

Before long, they will all be sent back to Xianyang City.

At the same time, probably tomorrow, the Qin army who took over Shouchun City will come completely!

After that, he completely ruled the entire state of Chu.

"In the empire, in addition to officials, you should also cooperate with generals to govern the place."

"Right now, we can only keep the empire's army in Chu for the time being to prevent accidents."

Chapter 257 The Sad Changping-->>(Page 1/2), please click on the next page to continue reading.

"Right now, we can only keep the empire's army in Chu for the time being to prevent accidents."

Ying Zheng couldn't help thinking in his heart.

Only this time, he did not ask the slaves to dig the gallop, but could dig part of the Grand Canal!

After all, the Grand Canal is not only about the line between Ji and Hang.

The Grand Canal can also go directly to Xianyang!

With the Grand Canal, the transportation of the empire will become more developed.

However, before that, the issue of the surrender of the Chu State still had to be resolved.

It's just that people in other places, except for the vicinity of Shouchun, still don't know about the complete surrender of the King of Chu.

The people of Chu did not even know that the fire of war had completely burned into the palace of the King of Chu.

They even felt that the King of Chu was still the former King of Chu You. Some knew about King Ai of Chu, but they didn't know that the current King of Chu had become a Chu Chu, and even Chu Chu had become a prisoner of the Qin people.

And Ying Zheng, at this moment, felt an undercurrent from within the empire.

Lord Changping, who was far away in Nanjun, didn't even know that the state of Chu had perished.

He received a letter from home.

This was not a letter left to him by his father, but was written by the King of Chu.

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