At this time, Qi Kingdom was also facing great challenges.

The messenger of Lord Changping was in the palace of King Qi, talking about uniting and fighting against Qin.

"The state of Qi will not fight, but even so, it will eventually be captured by the state of Qin. Rather, it is better to join forces with the King of Chu and fight against Qin together!"

"King of Chu? Lord Changping is no more than Huainan. How can he be named King of Chu? Besides, the huge state of Chu cannot stop King Qin. With only the land of Huainan and [-] remnants of the army, How do you resist?"

But the messenger said: "Your Majesty, you are wrong. Today's King of Chu has the most powerful power, but he is a true man of insight in the Six Kingdoms!"

"Today, the world has fallen into the hands of Da Qin, but the exiled talents in the six kingdoms have all fallen into the hands of the King of Chu."

"With so many heroes, and then alliance with King Qi, then we can completely fight against Qin!"

"With time, it may not be impossible to regain the land that was once lost."

"And the state of Qi at that time should be able to divide the world together with the king of Chu!".

Text Chapter 265 The Steam Age of the Empire

The messenger of Lord Changping is constantly lobbying King Qi.

Now that the Queen Mother of Qi is sick, the King of Qi is naturally in charge of politics.

This is also an opportunity for Changping-kun.

Because Lord Changping knew very well how many ministers Ying Zheng had bought in Qi.

But now that such a long time has passed, those ministers may have forgotten the bribe of the King of Qin.

And Changping Jun, at this time, let the messenger lead a large amount of gold and silver to the state of Qi.

If Qi can be persuaded to form an anti-Qin alliance, then there is a chance.

However, King Qi did not accept the proposal of the envoy of Chu State.

"King Qin's domination of the world is already a certainty. What else can Qi state fight for?"

"The widow has made a decision and is going to go to Xianyang of the Qin State in person to meet the King of Qin."

The meaning of Qi's "three eight seven" words is quite obvious.

Five countries have been destroyed so quickly by Qin, can Qi still fight?

Can't beat it!

It would be better to simply surrender.

In this way, the people can also avoid suffering, and everyone has a good life!

It's just that the next words of the envoy of the state of Chu made King Qi hesitate.

"Does the king really think this is the past? As long as he enshrines Qin as the monarch, can he still occupy the fief of Qi?"

"What the King of Qin implements is no longer the division of seals, but the system of prefectures and counties!"

"The county governor of each place, although he holds great power, is comparable to the king of a small country."

"But in fact, after a period of time, the rights will be exchanged, appointed at the next place, and finally return to the court of Qin."

"This is the legal system of the Qin state. King Qi, do you think you can change the legal system of the former Qin state, so as to preserve the fief of the state of Qi?"

For a while, King Qi was a little confused.

For Ying Zheng, whether Qi and Changping Jun formed an alliance or not, this was not too important.

Anyway, even if all of them are added together, they will not be the opponents of the empire.

At this time, Ying Zheng was in the ironware factory in Shaofu.

Today's Ying Zheng is in the research and development department, whether Zhang Han, Gong Shuqiu, Xiangli Qin, Zhang Cang, are all here.

Behind them, there are hundreds of craftsmen.

"The Empire made good use of water conservancy and built the Imperial Canal to link machine tools."

"But the use of natural running water is ultimately limited."

"On the contrary, this steam engine can make water power infinite."

"And the problem is just how to use the steam of boiling water to push the mechanism!"

Ying Zheng was quite clear about the principle of the steam engine.

It is to boil water, and then use steam to push the axle to form a steady stream of power.

Today, the simplest steam engine turned quickly under the eyes of everyone.

Zhang Han said even more: "Your Majesty, during our tests during this period of time, we found that the power of the steam engine is extremely large, that is, the demand for firewood is somewhat large."

When Ying Zheng heard this, he couldn't help but nodded.

"The temperature of the firewood is not enough. The best thing to use is still coal."

"Coal mines, there needs to be more mining as well."

Chapter 265 The Steam Age of the Empire-->>(Page 1/2), please click on the next page to continue reading.

"Coal mines, there needs to be more mining as well."

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