"Hundred Birds are under the command of the General's Mansion and have trained many killers. They have no names, only two-character code names related to birds."

A smile appeared on the corner of Ying Zheng's mouth.

"Hundred Birds and Black Crows."

"It seems that Ji Wuye has discovered the widow."

At this time, the General House of South Korea.

Mo Ya got down on one knee and told what he had heard.

"What? King Qin is actually in Xinzheng and wants to do something to me?"

At this moment, Ji Wuye was extremely violent in his heart.

"King Qin, among the Seven Kingdoms, is a character that no one wants to provoke, but this is my South Korea after all!"

"If he comes, he will come!"

"If King Qin died secretly in Korea, then he is dead!"

At this moment, Ji Wuye was extremely domineering.

Ying Zheng's foundation is not in Korea after all.

Only at this time, Bai Yifei, the blood-robed Hou, came slowly.

"We can't kill King Qin."

"What did you say?"

Ji Wuye stared at the blood-robed Hou in a black robe.

"We have successfully achieved our goal by using Baiyue's abolished prince Tianze to gain power in South Korea."

"Originally we only needed to kill Tian Ze."

"It's a pity that Tianze has been controlled by King Qin."

Ji Wuye couldn't believe what Ji Wuye said.

"He has a backlog of toxins for 10 years. If there is no regular antidote to relieve it, he will die miserably."

Bai Yifei shook his head: "I don't know the reason why Tianze dared to ignore the poison and take refuge in Qin."

"But I know that we have already provoked the ferocious beast Da Qin."

From the moment they instructed Tian Ze to kill Qin Envoy, they had already provoked it completely.

Ji Wuye could not help grasping the 'eight-foot' sword beside him.

"Hmph, King Qin is only a ten-year-old child, and he is not as cunning as Qin Prime Minister Lu Buwei, and all he relies on is the secret guards around him.

Bai Yifei said, "King Qin's bodyguard is the swordsman Gai Nie."

Even if Ji Wuye had no brains, he couldn't help but think of Gai Nie who he saw in front of the palace.

And that carriage!

Chapter 2000 Want to kill the King of Qin? (Add more flowers to 1!) -->>(Page 2/[-]), please click on the next page to continue reading.

And that carriage!

"That carriage seems to be low-key, but in fact it is extremely luxurious. No matter which one of the four draught horses is, it is a peerless horse. This is not something that Li Si's first-term envoys can ride."

Thinking of this, Ji Wuye felt greedy in his heart.

"If I kill King Qin secretly, the carriage and BMW will also be mine."

Ji Wuye was wicked to the side of courage, and he had a scruple in his heart.

The whole of South Korea did not calm down as he took power, but became more turbulent.

King Qin didn't care that he was under Ji Wuye's surveillance.

Sword Saint Genie has already stepped forward.

"Your Majesty, the birds can only fly in the sky of South Korea and become Ji Wuye's wings, and Gai Nie can get rid of them for your Majesty."

But Ying Zheng shook his head: "Mo Ya, Bai Feng, the widows really appreciate them."

Han Fei said: "Does the king want to win them over? But they are Ji Wuye's guards, and they will only be loyal to Ji Wuye."

Ying Zheng smiled and said, "There is no one in this world, so you can't be a widowed subject."

"Even if it is Tian Ze, after sending the craftsman back to Qin, he and his subordinates will become one of the secret guards."

"Not to mention, his Mo Ya and Bai Feng!"

Han Fei couldn't help but bow: "The king has the world in mind, and Han Fei is far behind. He just wants to control the two, but he can't think of a way."

The purple girl came out at this time.

"It's not without hope."

"Nongyu's father was a South Korean general and was killed by Ji Wuye. We can assassinate Ji Wuye."

Ying Zheng couldn't help but think of Nongyu's beautiful dance.

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