"It's a pity the widow didn't go to that battlefield."

"Otherwise, Xiang Yan's will can be completely shattered when he is at his strongest."

"But even if there are no widows, they can't win."

Ying Zheng is quite clear about this.

He understands the strength of the imperial army better than anyone else.

Even though most of the imperial artillery was equipped on battleships, what Wang Jian brought was the most portable field artillery.

These steel cannons are similar to the tiger squat cannons in the Ming Dynasty, and they are not far away, but the only advantage is that they are easy to carry.

These cannons can not only be hung on horses, but even carried by one or two people.

However, the most pioneer is Meng Wu.

When Wang Jian's army was charging, Meng Wu's cavalry suddenly dispersed and ran towards the left end of the battlefield.

"Haha! General Luo ran, Meng Wu was scared when he saw that there were so many of us!"

"He really deserves to be the Meng family!"

During these days, Chu Jun had had many contacts with Meng Wu.

They all know that Meng Wu likes to run away when he encounters a lot of people.

Running away in this battle was something that the Chu army could understand.

After all, in everyone's impression, Meng Wu is such a person.

Even in the generals of the Seven Kingdoms, Meng Wu felt that he was an outlier.

As Meng Wu ran away with the cavalry, the morale of these Chu people could not help but become even higher.

The incomparably tragic battle song of Chu State also sounded again!

"Fuck Wu Gexi in La Liga!"

At this time, the Qin soldiers with the huge shield in front of them suddenly stepped back, revealing the cast-iron artillery behind the shield.

Many Qin soldiers even held torches and looked coldly at the Chu people rushing in front.

After seeing the artillery, the soldiers of Chu State could not help but stop, but the people in the back were still rushing, and the people in front were still unable to stop.

The tragic battle song is still resounding on the battlefield.

"The car is in the wrong hub..."


The battle song of the state of Chu was completely torn apart by a roar of cannons.

Those Chu soldiers who rushed in front fell to the ground in a tragic cry.

There was blood everywhere on their faces and bodies, and even their bodies were beaten like a broken sieve.

Obviously it's hard to live anymore.

After this shelling, a large area fell one after another.

There is also no artillery with strong penetration as imagined by the Chu people.

It was filled with a lot of lead and a lot of small stones.

This cannon shot, lead bullets and stones, formed a shot trajectory, directly crippling the enemy in front.

But since the army of Chu State had already charged, it could not stop.

The Chu people in the back can only step on the corpses of their predecessors and rush forward!

But immediately followed by the second round of cannons, it sounded again! .

Chapter 282 Force Changping Jun and Xiang Yan to death! (5/6)

After the sound of the first round of artillery, the Chu army was terrified.

The generals of Chu State were soldiers, and some could not help but slow down.

But at this time, the soldiers of Chu State were moving too slowly, and the people in the back pushed the people in front directly onto the battlefield.

At the same time, the sound of the second wave of artillery also sounded again.



The sound of artillery sounded again.

The team in front of them did not dare to continue rushing forward.

They had already stopped singing "National Sorrow", the battle anthem of the state of Chu.

But Xiang Yan was quite clear that the morale he had worked so hard to build up was completely blasted down by several rounds of artillery from the empire.

Even the sound of singing the national anthem was completely annihilated by the sound of the cannon.

In addition, it was filled with gravel and lead, and a dozen was a large piece.

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