This takes a long time.

Bai Feng's emotions were already very panic, and his body was trembling even more.

At this moment, a black mist emerged from the room, and Mo Ya then pressed Bai Feng's shoulder.

"Don't panic."

Mo Crow finally chose to appear.

Bai Feng felt the presence of Mo Ya, and felt a lot more at ease.

All along, he has been following Mo Ya to do things, and the person he admires most in his heart is also Mo Ya.

Ying Zheng looked at the black crow, and the smile on the corner of his mouth became even stronger.

"You have been eavesdropping outside for so long, and finally you can't help but come in."

Mo Ya was a little surprised when he heard Ying Zheng's words.

Ying Zheng was only ten years old, and with baby fat on his face, he looked like a little boy at all.

But such a young man was able to detect that he had been eavesdropping outside for a long time.

This means that this young King Qin is not simple.

It is precisely because of this that Mo Ya respectfully salutes Ying Zheng.

"Mo Ya pays respects to King Qin, and hopes that King Qin can treat Yingge kindly in the future."

"Aren't you going to go to Qin to see her?"

Mo Crow slowly shook his head.

"We control other people's lives, but we don't know whether we can control our own destiny. In this chaotic world, I also long to fly freely and hope for the future."

"But my hands are stained with too much blood after all."

Mo Crow's face was full of helplessness.

He has done too many unsightly things for Ji Wuye.

He knew that those things were wrong, but as the knife in Ji Wuye's hand, he had to do it.

Over time, he no longer has too many expectations for life.

But soon, he looked at Bai Feng.

"But Bai Feng is different. He hasn't been stained with too much blood and can be redeemed."

Chapter 1 Forced Recruitment of Black Crows-->>(Page 2/[-]), please click on the next page to continue reading.

"But Bai Feng is different. He hasn't been stained with too much blood and can be redeemed."

He pushed Bai Feng directly to Ying Zheng's side, and his body turned into a black mist that gradually dissipated.


Bai Feng wanted to chase after him, but the next moment, Mo Ya's voice followed.

"Follow King Qin, this is my order to you."

Bai Feng stood there without moving.

His body will instinctively execute this order.

Follow the King of Qin forever.

Ying Zheng also did not expect this result.

In the end, Mo Ya did not choose him, but gave Bai Feng to himself.

Ying Zheng looked at Bai Feng, but there was a smile on the corner of his mouth.

"Do you really think that the freedom that the widow is talking about is just for Bai Feng? That's for you."

"However, do you think that if you leave the widow, you can really escape from the widow's hand? It's really naive!"

"Since you already have the mind of a widow who seeks refuge, there is no way to escape."

A smile appeared on the corner of Ying Zheng's mouth, and he turned on the system.

On the prestige page, it has been shown that Bai Feng was successfully recruited, and Ying Zheng was given 300 prestige.

Ying Zheng did not expect that the prestige value given by Bai Feng was actually equivalent to that of Gai Nie Weizhuang.

It seems that Bai Feng's potential is really immeasurable.

In addition to this, there is also a recruitment page in the 'Eternal Emperor' system.

At the top of the page, Mo Crow's name appeared impressively.

[Black Crow: The number one master of a hundred birds in the night, second only to the 'Four Fierce Generals', Ji Wuye's bodyguard, outstanding in light work, quick in action, and never sloppy. 】

[Recruitment cost: 150 prestige points. 】

A smile appeared on the corner of Ying Zheng's mouth.

"As the leader of Hundred Birds, Mo Ya's fee is much higher than Ying Ge, which means that his strength is also much stronger."

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