[The main quest has been generated, and the four seas are surrendered: ask the host to attack the Xiongnu in the north, Baiyue in the south, tame Fusang in the East China Sea, and reach the Mediterranean Sea in the west!Wherever the iron hoof of the empire reaches, it is the land of Daqin! 】

[Ding, since the host completed the task perfectly, the time required is less than two years, and the difficulty of the new task has increased...]

Ying Zheng clenched his fists tightly as he listened to the series of rewards in the system.

When the six kings are over, the world will be one.


And the next step is to truly surrender!

Ying political dignitaries, is the whole world!

"Open the solicitation package."

"Ding, the expedition package has been opened, congratulations to the host for obtaining the generator blueprint x1, the Efang Palace construction blueprint x1, the Great Wall construction blueprint x1, the First Emperor's Mausoleum construction blueprint x1, Zheng He's treasure ship x1, and the bird gun x300."

Ying Zheng looked at the pile of rewards and was speechless in surprise.

"With the generator blueprint, the empire can truly enter the electrical age!"

"Although electrical equipment cannot be popularized, it can be used as the technical reserve of the empire."

"In addition, the widow finally has the construction drawings of the Epang Palace!"

"Efang Palace, First Emperor Mausoleum, no one knows what it looks like."

"But this time, the widow saw it."

"Even people of later generations can't imagine how magnificent this Epang Palace, the First Emperor's Mausoleum is!"

"This is simply not something that exists in the human world."

"Efang Palace, it is simply a real Heavenly Palace!"

"And the Mausoleum of the First Emperor is the real Hades!"

"These two buildings, all the time, are showing off the ancient achievements of the widow, and respecting their status to the extreme!"

"Even the Heavenly Palace may not be as grand as this!"

Ying Zheng's heart was completely restless.

Only then, he looked at the drawing of the Great Wall.

"The empire of the widow is so powerful, does it still need to build the Great Wall?".

Text Chapter 295 Let the Huns come to build the Great Wall, a great package! (4/8)

"The greatest function of the Great Wall is to prevent the enemy from entering the land of the empire."

"There is no doubt that the Huns were people who liked to plunder the south."

"The calamity of the Xiongnu began in the Western Zhou Dynasty and continued to the Han state."

"Even the disaster in the north is full of the feudal history of the entire Chinese civilization."

"But for the widow."

"The Huns dare to kill any of the widowers, and the widowers will destroy the country!"

"Why build the Great Wall?"

Ying Zheng couldn't help but look carefully at the drawing of the Great Wall.

Soon, he found some problems.

"The Great Wall is one of the landmark buildings of the empire, and its meaning is not only to guard against the Huns."

"It's to show everyone that the empire is powerful!"

"Of course, there is also the Great Wall itself, which is a road on the border of the emperor's "[-]" country!"

"In addition, the system blueprint says that when the Great Wall is completed, there will be some additional rewards and special effects."

Ying Zheng couldn't help but think about the system reward.

In the end he made a decision.

"The Great Wall of [-] miles must be repaired after all!"

"But the people who built the Great Wall don't want to be the people of the empire!"

"The widow must use people from other races to build this Great Wall belonging to the empire!"

"The widow will use the Great Wall to tell all the alien races in the world."

"Those who dare to disobey the widow will come to build the Great Wall for the widow!"

"And the best candidates to build the Great Wall are the Huns!"

After thinking about this, Ying Zheng's emotions gradually calmed down.

Then, he looked at the next reward.

"Zheng He's Treasure Ship!"

"Zheng He's treasure ship is also called the lucky ship."

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