"But a widow, but you can directly consecrate the emperor on the top of Mount Tai!"

Ying Zheng soon made a decision.

At the same time, he began to worry about these officials of Qi State, preparing for the ceremony of Feng Chan.

第296章 筹备泰山封禅,东巡!(5/8)-->>(第1/2页),请点击下一页继续阅读。

At the same time, he began to worry about these officials of Qi State, preparing for the ceremony of Feng Chan.

"Tian Jian, at the top of Mount Tai, must open a venue that can seal Zen."


"Meng Yi, you follow along to supervise."

"This time, the widow will tell everyone in the world what the widow has done to the world and the Chinese nation!"


This matter will be dealt with soon.

As for the day, it is natural to choose a sunny day.

"I'm afraid it will take a long time to climb up to Mount Tai."

"These days, the widow is staying in this country of Qi."

After Ying Zheng finished speaking, he called Mo Ya and Gai Nie directly.

"With the widow, let's go to the Imperial Shipyard together."


Gai Nie and Mo Ya would naturally not refuse.

"The imperial military factory presented by the system is located in Shanglin Garden."

"But this shipyard is built on the sea."

"In the Bohai Sea, it is indeed the most suitable location."

"The widow has mastered Liaodong, and the land of Qi, just right to control the throat of the Bohai Sea."

"And the location of the Imperial Shipyard is exactly where Qingdao will be in later generations."

"Now, it's called Jimo City, and it's also the second largest city in Qi State, where Doctor Jimo manages it."

"Of course, this place is also called Langya!"

"The land of Langya, the first emperor in history, came here three times, and this is also the place where Xu Fu went to sea."

"In history, it was the emperor's eastern tour, and he spent a lot of time on the seashore."

"Many people think that the first emperor wanted to cultivate to become an immortal, and wanted to go overseas to find the elixir of life."

"But the widow is Ying Zheng."

"Maybe the world is wrong."

"What the widow wants is not necessarily immortality." 283

"The wisest and most powerful race on land has been conquered."

"A widow looks at the sea, and naturally has the ambition to conquer the sea!"

"It's just that the people of that era couldn't understand it, so they said that the first emperor wanted to seek Taoism and immortals."

"In fact, it may just be the ignorance of the people of that era, not knowing the benefits of being above the sea."

"Just these, who can understand in this era?"

On the way, Ying Zheng also found that he was really similar to the first emperor in history.

"The first emperor in history couldn't stay in Xianyang at all. Half of his time was on the way to inspect the world."

"And the widow, but the same is true."

"The widow didn't stay half of the time in Xianyang City at all!"

"It's just the first emperor's five east tours, most of the time, he stayed at the sea."

"Looking at the vast sea, I am afraid that anyone else will have the idea of ​​conquest!"

"Now, the same is true of widows."

Ying Zheng's eyes slowly fell on the Imperial Shipyard.

"If you build a shipyard, you don't know how many years it will take."

"And the system gives it directly, which saves too much time for the empire!".

Chapter 297 Climb Mount Tai and pass on the National Jade Seal! (6/8)

Ying Zheng knew very well that it was destined to be more difficult to make the four seas surrender.

The biggest problem is how human beings can conquer nature.

Only by conquering nature can we conquer the land far beyond the ocean.

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