It was just something that the Yin and Yang family did not expect, and it also made the Yin and Yang family miss a credit.

However, the Yin-Yang family is finally in the empire and has established a foothold.

After integrating the theories of Confucianism, law, and Mo, it formed the theory of five virtues.

"The Yin-Yang family has the theory of the Five Virtues, and the purpose is to spread the myth of imperial power."

"The empire is water and black, so the color of the empire is all black."

"And later dynasties all followed the theory of the Five Virtues. For example, the Ming Dynasty was the virtue of fire, so the uniforms worn by soldiers were all red jackets."

"Zhen is like a god in the hearts of everyone in the empire, and this may not be without the help of the Yin and Yang family."

"Fortunately, the Yin Yang family is very clear that everything they do is for the sake of the empire and for me."

Ying Zheng's eyes also fell on the Moon God.

"Mirage ship, does Gong Shuqiu still have time to do such a magnificent thing?"

Moon God said: "I have already consulted Gong Shuuqiu, and completely combined the magic of the Yin-Yang family with the domineering technology of the empire to form a mirage ship like a mirage. With a mirage ship, you can reach any place in the world. corner."

Ying Zheng's eyes could not help but become more solemn.

"How does it compare to the widow's treasure ship?"

"There are [-] boys and girls on board, and the natural treasure ship is much larger."

When Ying Zheng heard these [-] boys and girls, his eyes instantly became extremely solemn.

"Who came up with this idea?"

"The Yunzhongjun of the Yin-Yang family."

"What's his common name?"

"Xu Fu."

When Ying Zheng heard the name, he sneered.

He really did not expect that Xu Fu would appear on the stage so quickly.

Perhaps it was because the system had a slight impact on the world.

"Is there any plan to build a mirage ship to sea?"

"Yunzhongjun said, you can go out to sea to find immortal grass, and finally create an elixir of life."

When Ying Zheng heard this, he laughed.

"It's him who wants to live forever."

"I can build a mirage ship."

"But above, it won't be three thousand boys and girls, but the army of the empire!"

"I don't need to look for an elixir of life."

"But I want to occupy every corner of the world."

"Moon God, do you understand?"

The moon god's gaze towards Ying Zheng has become even more worshipful.

"Your Majesty wants to rule the whole world?"

"Under the whole world, is it not the king's land, the coast of leading the land, is it not the king's ministers. Do you think this sentence is empty talk?"

"Your Majesty, with the army of the empire, it is enough to conquer every corner of the world."

"However, has Your Majesty ever thought about how to rule such a large land?"

A smile appeared on the corner of Ying Zheng's mouth.

"Do you know Qianli Sound Transmission?"

"There is a record in Onmyoji, but even Donghuang Taiyi doesn't understand it."

"The craftsmen of the Shaofu have already made this thousand-mile sound transmission machine. This thing is called the telegraph."

"The widow sent a telegram in Xianyang, and it took less than half an hour to receive this telegram in Linzi City of Qi State."

"If all the counties and counties in the world establish this imperial telegraph station, then every order of the people can be accurately issued to any county."

Chapter 304 Telegraph, Xianyang, is there a good harvest? (5/8)-->>(Page 1/2), please click the next page to continue reading.

"If all the counties and counties in the world establish this imperial telegraph station, then every order of the people can be accurately issued to any county."

"Even if it is thousands of miles away, this telegram transmission is only a matter of a few hours."

Hearing this, the Moon God couldn't believe it at all.

"There really is such an artifact in the world?"

"You are wrong, this is not an artifact, but a machine."

"In the future, maybe things that seem like miracles to you will appear in the empire one by one."

"Maybe even ordinary people can use it."

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