After Mo Ya Bai Feng heard this, his heart felt a lot more comfortable.

There are orders, and they will get used to it.

Just after boarding the carriage, there is still a little bit of panic in my heart.

But soon, they were sitting next to Genie.

However, after the two of them sat in, they sat there upright, their whole bodies tense, as if they were more uncomfortable than going to the battlefield.

Ying Zheng shook his head helplessly.

He didn't know how the two of them were treated. He was so nervous just by riding in a carriage.

"It should be a lot better after returning to Qin."

"It's just that these people who were brought back by the widow, what kind of positions will they be given?"

The thirty-eighth chapter of Ying Zheng's business trap (add more to the 2000 collection!)

Xinzheng is not far from Mengao's army.

Just on the way, Ying Zheng has been thinking about what kind of positions to give these people.

Li Si's mission to South Korea this time has achieved great benefits for Ying Zheng, so he naturally wants to be promoted.

As for the others, it was a little embarrassing.

Ying Zheng didn't speak, nor did they speak well. The atmosphere in the carriage was extremely peaceful.

Genie himself is a person who does not like to talk.

Yan Lingji's beautiful big eyes were always on Ying Zheng's body, and she didn't know what she was thinking.

Between Li Si and Han Fei, he wanted to reminisce, but he couldn't.

As for Mo Ya, he was thinking about Ying Zheng.

"I have followed Ji Wuye's side for many years, and I have seen King Han, but neither King Han nor Ji Wuye have this temperament in King Qin."

"He sits here, it's like a spring breeze, but it's not dignified."

"He has a unique charm about him, and people can't help but be convinced by it."

As for Bai Feng, the thought is very simple.

The carriage is so comfortable!

Of course, the reason why the carriage was comfortable was because it was the car that the system gave to Ying Zheng.

Other carriages can turn people to death.

However, on the way back to Qin, it was not peaceful.

Ying Zheng and others could always feel that someone was falling behind them, but they didn't dare to make a move.

"Really a bunch of cowards!"

Ying Zheng now desperately hopes that someone can do something to him, so he has a reason to attack South Korea.

However, it didn't.

"Maybe, South Korea is really not suitable for attacking first."

Ying Zheng couldn't help thinking about the strategy of unifying the seven kingdoms.

"South Korea is too weak, Meng Ao can travel across South Korea, but once South Korea is annexed, it will arouse the vigilance of the other five countries and join hands to deal with the widow."

"If that's the case, it's not beautiful."

Han Fei could see Ying Zheng's thoughts.

"Is the king thinking about unifying the seven kingdoms?"

Ying Zheng nodded involuntarily.

Han Fei said immediately, "Among the seven countries, Qin, Qi, and Chu are the big ones."

"The State of Zhao inherited the property of the State of Jin, and with Hu clothes riding and shooting, and fighting against the Huns all the year round, the strength of the army is naturally not weak."

"Instead, Yan, Wei, and Han are all small countries, and the king doesn't have to worry about it at all."

"And if the king wants to go east, there is no doubt that the Zhao country is the biggest obstacle. If the Zhao country is not destroyed, no matter which country the Qin country goes to, it will be contained by the Zhao country."

Chapter 2000 Ying Zheng's Business Trap (Add more to the 1 collection!) -->>(Page 2/[-]), please click on the next page to continue reading.

"And if the king wants to go east, there is no doubt that the Zhao country is the biggest obstacle. If the Zhao country is not destroyed, no matter which country the Qin country goes to, it will be contained by the Zhao country."

"And once the king occupied Zhao State, he would get sturdy Zhao State soldiers, which could further enhance the country's strength."

"At that time, there will be a point where you can truly conquer the world."

When Ying Zheng heard Han Feizi's words, he couldn't help but nodded.

"Your analysis is really good."

"But my Daqin, even if we face the Six Kingdoms together, I think I can beat it!"

Ying Zheng is full of confidence in this regard.

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