In addition to those industries, today's Jade Tiger still has little money left!

The furious Jade Tiger found Ji Wuye directly.

However, to his horror, the businessman who came to the New Deal to sell paper had become Ji Wuye's guest.

Bustling, profit coming and going.

When someone can replace the Emerald Tiger and create more value for Ji Wuye, Ji Wuye will undoubtedly choose the latter.

Chapter 3000 Is Rare Is Precious? (Add more to 1 collections!) -->>(Page 2/[-]), please click the next page to continue reading.

When someone can replace the Emerald Tiger and create more value for Ji Wuye, Ji Wuye will undoubtedly choose the latter.

As for the Emerald Tiger?Oh, after all, just a businessman.

Businessmen of this era have no right to speak at all.

"Tiger, from now on, you have to cooperate well and create more value for me in the end."

For Ji Wuye, he is always insatiable.

The people he gathers are purely to please himself.

Even if he becomes a king, in the end, he can only be a faint king.

In response to this point, the merchants of the Qin country wanted to take refuge in Ji Wuye, and it was not too simple.

Of course, the brewing and fermentation of this matter, of course, continued for a period of time.

The more Qin Shang mastered, the sooner the Jade Tiger Li would die.

In this regard, Ying Zheng is not in a hurry.

At this time, he had already brought everyone back to Qin State.

However, after passing through Mengao, he reunited with Tianze and led three thousand craftsmen from South Korea, accompanied by soldiers and guards, to Xianyang.

Tianze naturally goes together.

"I didn't expect that the craftsmen who made strong crossbows were not only tied up by you, but you also tied other craftsmen."

Tian Ze bowed respectfully.

"The minister thought that the king needs these, and even if they don't need them, they can be used as laborers and work for the king."

Ying Zheng nodded in satisfaction.

"You have done a good job. From then on, you are one of the leaders of the Widow Guard. Would you like to?"

Tian Ze was overjoyed immediately: "Chen Tian Ze, thank you for your love."

The shadow guard may not make a statement, but he is definitely the closest existence to King Qin.

Tian Ze was originally just a prisoner, a chess piece in the blood cloak, but now he has changed his body. Not only did he get rid of his control, but he became a close minister beside Ying Zheng.

If you make some more contributions, you are destined to gain a higher power in the future.

In this regard, Tian Ze has confidence.

At the same time, after seeing the Mengao army, he also believed that the Qin army would not have any effort to conquer South Korea!

As for Ying Zheng, Li Si and others had already been given official positions at this time.

This made Li Si and the others full of hearts.

A family in the world, as long as you please King Qin, you can go to heaven!

This Qin state is, after all, the world of Ying Zheng.

The fortieth chapter of the text adds an official title (for 4000 flowers!)

Li Si is looking forward to returning to Qin.

At the same time, what he is most looking forward to is the status he will gain.

After all, he was just a petty officer.

But this trip to South Korea, although most of the credit was done by Ying Zheng himself, but he also helped a lot after all.

Ying Zheng's words did not disappoint him.

"Li Si, you have done a good job with the Korean team this time, but you are the official guest, and the tenth-level official, would you like it?"

Li Si's spirit burst upon hearing this.

He was originally a small official in the Qin state, but Ying Zheng promoted himself to the tenth rank in one fell swoop, which was already a great reward.

This reward has far exceeded his expectations.

"Li Si, thank the king for his love."

At this time, Ying Zheng saw some changes in the system.

It was about the Wenchen page. In the introduction about Li Si, there were more official titles displayed.

Li Si: The official is a guest minister, and the left concubine of the tenth rank.

At the same time, Ying Zheng also saw the display of Qin's military merits and titles in the system.

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