Looking at the weather that was finally getting warmer, Modun Chanyu also had a little more hope in his heart.

The Xiongnu minister was silent for a long time, and finally said: "Thirty percent of cattle and sheep, and even many people died..."

Mo Dun Shan Yu slammed the table hard with a punch.

"The Qin people are too deceiving! We must take back the grasslands in Monan!"

"Otherwise, we would not be able to live in Mobei at all!"

"The noses and ears of many warriors are frozen."

"That kind of cold can penetrate into the bones in an instant, and the ears and nose only need to be touched lightly, and they will completely fall off the face."

"And that, but didn't feel any sense. The clansmen who lost their noses looked down at their noses and felt no pain at all."

"I see this scene in my eyes."

"Only with our swords can we take back our ranch from the Qin people!"

Modun Chanyu was in the tent, almost roaring.

He could never forget that even if he was roasting in the big tent, he would feel the warmth in the front, but the back, which was not roasted in the back, was cold to the bone.

It's an experience you'll never want to have!

As a big danyu of the Xiongnu, he is still so miserable. 2.0

Not to mention those ordinary Huns.

As soon as you wake up from sleep, the people around you will never wake up again, which often happens in this winter!

This kind of thing, the Huns never want to have.

"As long as we sacrifice to the sky in Dragon City, even if we die, we will march south to take back our pasture."

At this moment, the Huns were completely mad.

As long as they are now in Longcheng, it is the place where the Huns sacrificed to heaven.

When it is almost time to sacrifice to heaven, Da Danyu will lead people from various tribes to come here to sacrifice to the gods, bless the cattle and sheep with more forage, and the new year will become more healthy.

Only this time, they have completely lived in Dragon City!

Even if they worship at sunrise and pray at sunset, they can't change their destiny to survive in Mobei! .

Body Chapter 355 Shenji Camp goes to Mobei! (4/4)

The Huns like to play.

At sunrise, they would kneel to the sun.

At sunset, they would pray to the moon.

This is their habit.

And praying in the land of Longcheng, they think it will be more effective.

But most of the prayers in the past two months have revolved around one thing.

That is to defeat the Qin people and regain the pastures belonging to the Huns.

Many Huns were frozen to death while they were praying.

But the Huns thought that they were using flesh and blood to sacrifice to the gods!

Only when the gods are full can they care about their affairs.

This is what all the Huns think.

They just want to wait until Haruhi to take back their horse farm.

It's just, they don't know, when they wait for the weather and prepare to re-conquest south.

The army of the Empire is also sharpening its knives!

"Dragon City! Now the Huns gather in Longcheng and live by slaughtering cattle and sheep!"

"And my 09s, if we go to Longcheng, we will be able to catch the countless cattle and sheep of the Huns!"

"In short, if the Huns dare to insult the empire, they must prepare for complete destruction."

In Xianyang City, many scholars who came to participate in the scientific examination were very impassioned at this time.

The empire is martial!

Even if these scholars pass the exams to become imperial officials, each of them eagerly hopes to become a general!

Only by breaking the Dragon City can you prove your strength.

"I heard that Your Majesty has already sent the Shenji camp and set off!"

"There are ten thousand people in the Shenji battalion, all of whom are chariot soldiers. I'm afraid this fast-running Huns are not safe!"

"Shenji Camp also has Guanning Iron Cavalry. Besides, what Shenji Camp is fighting this time is a fixed target."

"This time, the Huns will probably explode into the sky."

"The hot weapons that appeared in the young mansion are really terrifying. With a single sound, the timid ones can completely frighten them to death!"

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