Zhang Han took it out, that is, to please the King of Qin.

However, Ying Zheng understood that although this sword was already a peerless sword among the Seven Kingdoms, it still had a gap compared to the Tianwen Sword produced by the system.

"A good sword, of course, must be used by a good swordsman."

"Gai Nie, you are known as the Sword Saint in the Seven Kingdoms, and the widow gave you this sword. I hope you will not fall into the reputation of my Daqin."

Hearing this, Genie was slightly taken aback.

At this time, Han Fei, who was below, had no choice but to talk for a long time.

"Korea, you are going to die!"

He originally thought that the iron tools mentioned by the Qin state were all unusable things.

Chapter 1: Ying Zheng bestowed Jian Yuanhong! -->>(Page 2/[-]), please click the next page to continue reading.

He originally thought that the iron tools mentioned by the Qin state were all unusable things.

Until he saw this sword, he could imagine if Qin's weapons were so sharp...

No, it is only [-]% sharp that can crush the weapons of the other six countries without pressure!

In this way, what other country can still resist the Qin army?

What shocked him the most was that Ying Zheng obtained this treasured sword, and he did not treasure it himself, but gave it to Gai Nie.

Even the courtiers of the Qin state, looking at Ying Zheng at this moment, became very jealous.

"This swordsman has actually won such great love from the king!"

Even Genie himself did not expect this to happen.

Just looking at that sword again, a love rose in his heart.

At the moment, he took the sword that Ying Zheng handed over with both hands.

"Gai Nie, thank the king for giving the sword! But of course a good sword must have a name, and the king should give it a name."

Ying Zheng glanced at Gai Nie, and then at an iron sword.

"It's called Yuanhong!"

"Thank you king!"

Genie held the sword tightly.

Ying Zheng didn't know if this sword was as powerful as the Yuanhong.

But he had seen Sharktooth, and knew that Sharktooth couldn't break the sword no matter what!

After the sword was given, Ying Zheng could not help discussing the matter of Zheng Guoqu with the ministers again.

Prime Minister Lu Buwei took the lead.

"Your Majesty, South Korea sent a water engineer, Zheng Guo, to dig a canal for Qin. The purpose is not good. If your Majesty insists, you need to open a court meeting."

When Ying Zheng heard this, he couldn't help but nodded.

"Okay! Then start the court meeting!"

Qin's court meeting can be said to be the highest meeting in the whole country!

All ministers will come here to discuss this matter.

However, this court meeting also takes some time to prepare.

The time was set in three days.

During these three days, Ying Zheng and Zhang Han stayed in the Shaofu.

"You don't need extra manpower to increase production fivefold."

"Sometimes, you can use the power of machinery instead!"

"Do you have a craftsman here who can make machinery?"

Chapter [-]: A widowed craftsman, Luban's descendant loses his revenge!

"Artisans who make machines? Of course there are."

Zhang Han quickly found a thin middle-aged man who still held two pieces of wood in his hand and did not let go.

"Back to the king, he is called Gong Shuoqiu. He is a descendant of Lu Ban. He is the best at making equipment. He led people to repair the palace hall. When building the iron workshop, he also contributed a lot."

Ying Zheng was slightly startled when he saw the Gongzuoqiu in front of him.

"Could it be that the master of the domineering mechanism lost his revenge?"

Ying Zheng couldn't help looking at Qigongzuoqiu, and at the same time opened the system to check the data of Gongzuoqiu.

Gongshuoqiu: One of the craftsmen's leaders, the third-level rank, Intelligence: 98, Creation: 86, Ability: 92.

Ying Zheng obviously found that the attributes of Gongshuoqiu were somewhat different from those of civil servants and generals.

But it should be because he is a craftsman.

"It should be Qin Mingli's Gongzuoqiu, but at this time his hands and feet have not been broken, and he has not yet practiced domineering tricks."

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