Qin Jun also quickly spread out in the shape of a fan.

As for relying on these people to guide the way, that does not exist!

After all, there is no language at all!

And those people living in Kang Juguo also found that although these Qin people ate up everything they had here, even the water in the wells would be drained by them.

But the Qin people will not kill them at will like the Huns, nor will they take a fancy to their wives and daughters!

And the reason for this is that these Qin people are hungry.

They, who can understand, who have come out of the desert, are like this.

After all, these Qin people drove away the stinky Huns.

An old man even found Meng Wu. He first kowtowed to express his prayer not to kill, and then danced and danced.

Meng Wu twitched the corners of his mouth, not knowing what the man in front of him was whispering.

But in the end, Meng Wu pulled out and walked to the old man's side and patted the old man's shoulder.

第362章 匈奴人望风而逃!【3/5求订阅】-->>(第1/2页),请点击下一页继续阅读。

But in the end, Meng Wu pulled out and walked to the old man's side and patted the old man's shoulder.

"You saved the army, and from now on, you are the people of the empire!"

"On the stone here, engraving!"

Meng Wu is addicted to lettering and carving on the way.

But he knew that only in this way, the people of the empire could follow this mark and find them all the way.

Soon, the scouts who went to find a new city.

Meng Wu couldn't help but be overjoyed, and the army followed.

After seeing the Qin people leaving and leaving only a stone carving, the people in Kang Juguo couldn't help but feel relieved.

Although the Qin people ate all their food, they still left a little food for them, so that they could barely survive.

The most important thing is (bjeb), the Qin people are not killing people like the Huns!

After the Huns learned that the Qin people had chased them here, the Huns scattered in various cities madly gathered towards the king city of Kangju Kingdom.

Only when the Huns gathered together could they have the courage to fight against the Qin people.

At this time, Meng Wu finally led [-] imperial cavalry to a town of [-] people in Kangju.

The army can finally cultivate here.

They also found a businessman who was proficient in the Bashu dialect.

Bashu has direct access to the Western Regions, and also has the most trade with the Western Regions. That merchant was fortunate to have been there.

In the empire, it also happened to be Bashu soldiers.

When the businessman learned from Qin's mouth that the Qin people came here because they were chasing the Huns, everyone cheered.

These days, they are fed up with the enslavement of the Huns!

In the city, it is no longer known how many people died.

And these Qin people seem to be too kind.

Moreover, the Huns fled when they heard the Qin people coming, which also made them feel that these Qin people were stronger.

The people of the Western Regions were afraid of the strong. At this time, all the people in a city knelt on the ground and offered the food they still had in the city, praying for Qin Jun's forgiveness.

The army has finally been repaired here, and the [-] imperial cavalry has also completely survived.

"Carved stone! This is the city of the Great Qin Kingdom!"

These cities in the Western Regions, the Huns in front of them sacked one side and completely killed all the warriors in the Kangju country. When they came here, they were simply a city that was picked up in vain!

In the city, there was no resistance, but they felt that they were heroes who drove away the Huns.

This made Qin people very satisfied.

"I didn't expect to have this honor in a foreign land. This place must become the land of the Qin people, it must be!"

"I like the people here so much, from now on, this is the land of the empire!"

After learning the direction of Kangju King City, he adjusted the army for a day and set off again.

After all, a lot of wealth in Kangju's country has been looted by the Huns.

Want more goodies, the army can only grab from the Huns!

But when the old Shangdan Yu learned that the Qin people had arrived in Kang Juguo, his eyes were gloomy and uncertain.

"People from Qin... actually survived..."

"Can you still fight?"

"We can't beat the Qin people, so let these natives resist the Qin people."

"That's right! Let the natives here resist the Qin people, and we will continue westward!"

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