Once the empire goes to war, all the nobles will mount their horses and fight for the empire!

This is an extremely militarized country...  

And the bows and arrows of the resting country are also the most powerful!

"These resting people can turn their heads and shoot back arrows when the war horses lead them to escape!"

"This action is too difficult, even the most valiant warriors of the Huns can't do it!"

"But apart from the fact that the heavy cavalry is not easy to fight, these cavalry archers of the Parthian Empire are simply giving us food!"

"As for those archers, they are completely composed of untrained serfs, and their arrows are all crooked. How can they defeat my great Xiongnu!"

"Now, we have a surprise for the Parthian Empire."

For the Huns, as long as they don't meet the Qin people, there is nothing to be afraid of!

In the Parthian country, every important town was successfully removed by the Huns.

The Huns have been fighting for so many years, and they even fought against the cavalry of the empire, and they have long been invincible.

Although they can't beat the Huns, but they can beat the Westerners, the Huns feel that there is no difficulty, and they can even revive the style of the Huns!

For a time, the Huns were full of expectations for the future of the Huns.

For them, if they want to establish a kingdom in this Western Region, they obviously have to go through countless troubles.

The biggest trouble among them is still those Qin people!

"Although the rest of the country is good, those heavy cavalry, like fighting Wang Ba, can't beat them at all!"

"The most important thing is that the Parthian Kingdom is too rich in 1.1. His Majesty the Emperor of the Qin people will definitely not give up this rich land."

"The Qin people grow plants, and this resting country must be within the Qin people's territory."

"We don't want to fight the Qin people, so the rest of the country is not suitable for us to completely occupy it."

At this time, the old Shang Shanyu of the Huns quickly formulated a plan for the resting country.

"Grab a wave and we'll go! Go north!"

"Only going north to Alan Chat, that country is cold all the year round, and that is the place where our cavalry can live."

Besides, Alan Liao's soldiers were not as strong as the Parthian Kingdom.

"As long as we can absorb Alan Chat, the Hun Empire will usher in new development!"

"We even have the hope of appearing [-] troops!".

Chapter 365 God's Whip!

The wolf-like Huns were beaten into dogs by the empire in the east, but they regained their glory in the west.

These Westerners simply can't beat the eastern art of war that they cultivated after years of war and fighting against the mighty Qin Empire.

Their cavalry, vertical and horizontal on the battlefield, is invincible.

"Those heavy cavalry of the Parthian country are indeed much stronger, but compared with the heavy cavalry of Qin country, they are simply vulnerable."

"The armor on Qin's light cavalry is longer than those on these heavy cavalry."

"It's the iron ring armor, and it has some flavor."

Old Shang Shanyu looked at the resting heavy cavalry below with a smile on his lips.

"These heavy cavalrymen are all children of nobles, and only those people can be equipped with war horses and heavy armor."

"Those archers are also the children of minor nobles."

"Their waists are so powerful that they can even turn their upper body over and send back arrows while riding on a horse."

"But their fighting will, after all, 01 is too bad."

"My Xiongnu cavalry, use mobility to wear them out!"

Old Shang Shan Yu Weiwei said.

Taking advantage of their powerful mobility, the Huns carried out invincible guerrilla tactics, and in the hands of the Qin people, they carried out many somersaults.

They want to guerrilla Qin's city, even if there are thousands of Qin people, they dare to attack them tens of thousands of Huns.

Later, some Huns wanted to find some resources from the Qin people on the border. Unexpectedly, the Qin people held long bows, organized village braves, and shot a few Huns directly!

Since then, the Huns never dared to go south to herd horses.

They wanted to launch a big war to win more and less, but the army of 30 was unable to defeat the 2 Shenji Battalion head-on. The Qin people did not even dispatch the [-] cavalry guards on both sides.

Old Shang Shan Yu couldn't help thinking of the terrifying explosion, and his heart became cold.

"Compared with the Qin people, these Western powers are simply weak chickens!"

The Huns were extremely proud.

Whenever they encounter such a country, they will compare like this.

These noble cavalrymen of the Parthian Kingdom were soon lost their strength by the Huns' war horses, and they could not pick up the spears in their hands. Next, the Huns even dispatched stumbling ropes, and two cavalrymen pulled the ropes and shouted rushing past.

The heavy armored cavalry of the Parthian Kingdom fell directly to the ground, and what they faced would also be a massacre!

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