"Once the railway is open, we will have beaten the rest of the rest long ago. These rest of the rest are so stupid, with only one string in their brains, they can't beat the imperial people at all."

Li Mu shook his head indifferently.

"It's not a defeat, it's a massacre!"

Under the opening of the heavy cavalry, the soldiers of the Parth Empire have no ability to resist the old Qin people!

The most terrifying thing was the cavalry and infantry of the old Qin people, as well as the people of the Parth Empire who launched a charge!

Without the short spear projections of the Greeks, under the cover of countless crossbow arrows, the cavalry of the empire circled to the sides, and the infantry regiments held up their shields and began to charge!

The rest of the soldiers were mainly archers.

Although he also has a certain melee combat ability, in front of the Qin people in armor, it is simply a massacre!

The King of Kings selected an army of nearly [-] people, and broke out this vigorous and large-scale war with the imperial soldiers.

The enemy on the opposite side is only half of them.

But even so, in the blink of an eye, the pride of the Parth Empire was surrounded by the cavalry and infantry of the old Qin people!

Those heavy cavalrymen are all descendants of the nobles of the Parth Empire, but now, they are just like trapped beasts, ruthlessly murdered by the old Qin people one by one!

There is no way!

The King of Kings has lost his soul in his heart.

He had no idea what to do next.

Chapter 377 The Kneeling King of Kings! -->>(Page 1/2), please click the next page to continue reading.

He had no idea what to do next.

The powerful Parthian Empire holds nearly 300 million square kilometers of land and is a powerful country.

Now...they have been defeated!

A voice full of sorrow came from the mouth of the choir who followed the King of Kings.

The Parthians have faith, but they do not have temples, and they lack thoughts.

All history, in epic style, is sung across the vast land.

And this sad voice sounded, hoping that their King of Kings would not lose the glory of the great Parthian Empire!

Their song is a heroic song.

They hope that the king of kings, holding a long sword and riding a war horse, like a hero in an epic, can turn the tide!

Unfortunately, this can only be their wish after all.

The king of kings did not have the courage to face the Qin people at all.


The next moment, the King of Kings turned around the white horse's head, brought his own guards, and wanted to escape completely!

But Meng Wu had already taken precautions.

Although the King of Kings still has thousands of guards.

But in front of the three-eyed fire gun, these guards were already scared to death.


An uncontrollable collapse is forming here and cannot be stopped.

The King of Kings was mixed in the chaotic crowd, and under the maintenance of the elite, he wanted to break out.

But the next moment, he was directly knocked down by the fire gun like a mace.

And when he led his personal guards to be gradually surrounded, he lost his courage even more.

"Surrender! We surrender!"

His bodyguard spoke loudly.

But the old Qin people in front of them didn't understand their words at all.

"What are they talking about?"

"My face is flushed, my expression is excited, and it looks quite crazy!"

"It should be saying 'you can go on'."

"Haha, I like such brave warriors, kill them!"

Meng Wu then laughed.

They don't understand the bird language of these people at all.

And then, it's still a slaughter.

These guards have no resistance at all.

The king of kings was restless.

"Why do these Qin people still kill us?"

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