The vans are all the materials needed to build the railway.

"There is no need to produce weapons in the iron mines in Liaodong today."

"And most of the materials have been turned into rails."

"Just relying on the productivity of this era, it will take decades to mine a railway that can be spread across the country."

When Ying Zheng thought of this, he couldn't help but feel a little regretful.

"But fortunately, those young and middle-aged foreigners are digging iron ore!"


"The whole country is thinking about iron ore."

"It's not that difficult to build a railway."

"And China's land, the main roads, can be fully paved within three years."

After Ying Zheng inspected the place, he took the van on the railway and returned to Xianyang.

Because of the war horse, the railway is quite stable when it sits up!

After all, the rails are quite flat.

After all, people in this era have extremely strict requirements for the construction quality of anything.

The construction method of the empire is very similar to that of the later Midi.

All develop one generation, batch equipment one generation, and eliminate one generation.

This means that many things can be developed first.

such as light bulbs.

However, electric lights cannot be installed in the homes of ordinary people in batches, so there is no need to install them.

On the contrary, with the production capacity that the train has already possessed, it can be hunted.

Along the railway, Ying Zheng soon returned to Xianyang City.

Ying Zheng didn't go to see the so-called King of Kings, and he couldn't get much interest in a loser.

On the contrary, he was very interested in the weapons of the Six Nations, which were piled up like mountains outside Xianyang City!

The fame of these six kingdoms was built with the energy and blood of countless people.

The gathering of these weapons has not been completely completed until today. .

Text Chapter 384 Sell the front and make the twelve golden men!

It is very important for a country to seize the swords of the world.

This is the equivalent of a ban on guns in later generations.

Only by confiscating all the soldiers, can the people not kill each other.

Ying Zheng hopes that there will be no more wars in the country!

Of course, in addition to domestic and foreign, these soldiers also contain weapons from the Western Regions.

Although Korea is a small country, its sword is the sharpest.

Zhao State had an iron staff, and Li Mu's subordinates still had an army with iron staff.

As for the Yan Kingdom, the weapons are quite retro. After all, the Yan Kingdom has always imitated the culture of the ancients, and the Yan people have the most helmets.

In the Yan people's country, almost everyone can make helmets.

As for the weapon of Wei State, it is the weapon of Wei Wu pawn.

"Five Ninety"

Wei Wuzun, who was in the world, has completely become the past tense.

As for Qi State's weapons, it is a bit more complicated. After all, most of Qi State's soldiers are mercenaries.

As for the state of Chu, most of them were bronze wares.

And Kang Juguo's machete, etc...

In short, all weapons within the jurisdiction of the empire were piled up outside Xianyang City.

"Sell the front, cast twelve gold figures!"

"Only in this way can I show the majesty of my Great Qin!"

Ying Zheng couldn't help but secretly issue an edict!

Ying Zheng never thought that he would eventually return to the original trajectory in history.

Sell ​​the front and dysprosium, cast twelve golden people!

The craftsmen of the Shaofu have been fully dispatched, taking off the hilt of the sword, taking off the spear head, and bringing all the metal together.

In Shanglin Garden, thick smoke was ignited.

In this era, we don't care about pollution and the like.

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