"And the most important thing is that their weapons made of stone and bone from the very beginning have been upgraded to bronze swords."

"Although it is only the most inferior sword, and it is not even as good as the swords of His Majesty the Emperor, but for these people from the Western Regions, it is already an uncompromising treasure!"

"And to win better weapons, only through war!"

Zhao Gao has adapted the laws of the empire here.

Granting Jue, has become more severe.

He has long been ordered by Ying Zheng, and only Chinese people are equipped with higher titles (abaa).

And these aliens, most of the titles are no more than five, and the highest is no more than eight!

In short, it is to suppress these aliens.

And for the sake of military merit, only by beheading three heads for the empire can you get a better weapon, which is the weapon commonly used by the Six Nations!

These weapons, compared with the bronze weapons of the Empire, are still one level worse.

If you are level [-] beheading, you can get the bronze weapons that the empire once eliminated!

In short, the difficulty for these Westerners to be promoted is much more difficult than that of the Chinese.

Only in this war against the Peacock Dynasty can it be seen that those are the Hu people who are truly loyal to the empire.

Only this group of people can be signaled to the empire and eventually become the vanguard of the empire, or the death squad!

But now, these Hu troops, like wolves entering a flock, rushed into the army of the Peacock Dynasty.

This is an army of [-] people.

"A long time ago, the army has wiped out several hundred teams."

Chapter 387 Zhao Gaoxi's Expedition to the Peacock Dynasty! -->>(Page 1/2), please click the next page to continue reading.

"A long time ago, the army has wiped out several hundred teams."

"This has attracted the attention of the Peacock Dynasty, which has just formed an army of [-] people and wants to expel us."

"But the most important thing is that we are about to come to their God River!"

"The Ganges? Is the most sacred place for all poisoned people?"


Zhao Gao was very interested in this.

At this time, the war between the Hu people and the Peacock Dynasty infantry also broke out completely.

And if there is one word to describe this war, it is chaos!

The Hu people are like wild horses who only know how to kill.

This is what Zhao Gao appreciates the most.

On the other hand, the warriors of the Peacock Dynasty were even more chaotic.

Their weapons are even more varied.

Some are swords. This kind of sword is very different from the Huaxia Sword. The wide blade is due to the problem of the forging process. If it is forged as thin as the Huaxia, the sword can easily be broken.

Between the hilt and the blade, there is a huge handguard.

This is totally a western sword.

There is also a long gun up to four meters long.

This is also the weapon in the empire, called the barbarian spear.

In addition, there are machetes and long knives, and even throw javelins like Westerners!

More useful tomahawks, hammers, and even slingshots!

There is also a thing that uses a belt to throw stones, which uses the power of rotation to throw stones out and hit people's heads!

In short, this battle is called a chaos.

"If this is the case with poisonous people, then as long as my Daqin warriors come out, they will be invincible!"

Although the people around Zhao Gao are all former slaves, even if they are slaves, after years of training, they already have a good fighting ability.

But soon, there was a young man from the Hu tribe.

"Report to the county governor, those poisonous people are not the standing army of the Peacock Dynasty, but the mercenaries called Brituo."

"They're totally hired to fight, and they're rewarded enough for defeating a war."

Hearing this, Zhao Gao suddenly realized.

"In this way, it is similar to the martial arts warriors who followed Qi."

Qi's fighters are mercenaries!

These people are also fighting for their own interests.

And the ability to master is not the same.

In short, it's just one word to type, chaos!

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