A smile appeared on the corner of Ying Zheng's mouth.

Now all the factors that are harmful to the empire, Ying Zheng has gone to the border.

As for whether they live or die, it is up to fate.

Inside the empire, with the construction of various super projects, the empire has gradually become stable.

The local garrison began to decrease continuously, and it became a county with only a few hundred people, plus the local labor force stationed in the place.

Chapter 396 Bear Child Xiang Yu-->>(Page 1/2), please click on the next page to continue reading.

The local garrison began to decrease continuously, and it became a county with only a few hundred people, plus the local labor force stationed in the place.

And the soldiers of a county will have a little more.

At the same time, the empire now has not only thirty-six counties, but seventy-two counties!

Originally, more can be divided, but if too many are divided, the place will not be easy to manage!

Thinking of this, Ying Zheng gradually looked at the territory of the empire.

But in the end, Ying Zheng did not make further divisions.

"Empire, after all, is to govern the entire world."

And when Mo Ya arrived at Wu Zhong, Xiang Yu was still a skinny boy.

He still didn't move what his uncle said, and why the Xiang family and the empire had such a deep hatred.

He has never seen his grandfather, or even his father.

According to legend, they have all been killed by the first emperor.

On this day, some people came to their house, and some female relatives started to cry, but they soon disappeared.

He was also blindfolded and led away.

He didn't know where he was going, but when he woke up, it was an extremely prosperous house.

"Your relatives have been killed by thieves, and you have been completely rescued by the government."

"From now on, you will be a student of our empire."

Xiang Ji was dragged to the elementary school in a dazed way.

From now on, he will live here.

This is his new home!

Xiang Ji looked at this unfamiliar environment and felt sad.

And what every child here says is how to serve His Majesty the Emperor!

Some of their children want to grow up to become the governor of Yifang, and some want to guard the world for His Majesty the First Emperor.

In short, all children are thinking about how to serve the empire.

And his membership has become an outlier among them.

He also didn't know what he wanted to do.

He didn't even know that the teachers who taught him his lessons were all Master Jin Yiwei!

As for the last members of the Xiang family, they have been dismantled and sent to rest.

They'll be there, expanding their territory!

Ying Zheng will send all the factors that are unfavorable to the empire to the aliens.

Only in this way can the update of the empire be spread for a long time.

At this time, a telegram had already reached Xianyang.

"' . Li Xin, the sailor who went to sea, has already returned to Langya County on a big boat!"

"On the boat, there are all exotic crops, and the most of them are the seeds of rubber trees!" (Nuo Zhao's)

"From now on, the Empire will gradually no longer lack rubber!"

"It's a pity, my general, there is a problem!"

Ying Zheng couldn't help looking at the information in front of him.

Li Xin fell ill with septicemia on the ship, and at this time, I am afraid that the fuel will be exhausted.

In this era, there is almost no possibility of any treatment when going abroad to get sick.

And Li Xin's last hope is to return to Ying Zheng!

He fought for the Empire for too long, and now, he can finally return to this land.

He wanted to see His Majesty the First Emperor, and wanted to say, "I want to be named a marquis!"

At this time, Li Xin was still on the road.

Ying Zheng thought that many old people would die, but he did not expect that Li Xin, who was just in his prime and not yet [-] years old, would die.

This is absolutely not allowed for Ying Zheng!

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