However, the Huns did not have words. If it was passed down by word of mouth, the Qin people would really become the most feared existence by the Huns.

Old Shang Shanyu raised his glass and began to liven up the atmosphere.

"Although we can't beat the Qin people, the Romans can't beat us either. Didn't you hear them calling us the whip of God? That means we are messengers sent by God! These Romans are really rookies. !"

The old Shang Shanyu talked about Rome, which made these people's minds a little better.

"That's right, Rome has sent a large army to beat us several times, but we didn't even see our shadow, but we were killed into the hinterland and robbed so many good things!"

"Haha, the Romans are really stupid."

Compared with the celebration of the Qin Empire, the liveliness of the Huns and the center of power of the Romans were not so peaceful.

The Roman Empire has stretched for nearly a thousand years.

From the era of Roman monarchy more than 900 years ago to the later Roman Republic, Rome has experienced countless changes of power!

Chapter 399 Roman Senate -->>(Page 1/2), please click on the next page to continue reading.

From the era of Roman monarchy more than 900 years ago to the later Roman Republic, Rome has experienced countless changes of power!

And now, Rome has entered the age of empires.

Even in the name of a republic.

At this time, the Senate was even more controversial.

The Senate was the administrative center of the Roman Empire.

He decided all major events in the Roman Empire.

Even the Curia Assembly, where all the nobles gather, the policy of which is decided by the final Senate.

The political system of the Roman Empire was quite primitive.

At this time, a famous old man in the Senate was even more arguing!

"The north is being plundered by the Alans, and we cannot remain indifferent!"

"The phalanx of Rome is the most powerful warrior! However, we have fought several times, but in the end, there is no end to it."

"Build the level! Stop the Alan from coming in!"

"Alan people are robbers! They will never come in from the level!"

"We have to deal with the mighty Macedonia, and also Greece!"

"Recently, the Parthian Empire in the east has also been swallowed up by the even more distant Daqin in the east. Do we have to guard against the Daqin in the east?"

"Daqin? They call it Huaxia Daqin and refuse us to translate 0 in any local language..."

"Will they hit us? Their capital is thousands of miles away!"

"It is said that they were looking for the Huns before they found the western ones and occupied the land of Nuoda."

"What are the Huns?"

"A powerful Xiongnu empire, it is said that all the pastures in the world belong to the Huns."

"Just kidding! The people Alan talked to also said that all the pastures in the world belong to them!"

"The Huns are a bit like talking to Alan!"

"Alan Liaoren is a devil! I really don't know how Daqin can defeat those nomads."

"How about we send envoys to the Great Qin Empire to ask? By the way, are we here to make friends?"

"Yes! The Parth Empire has been divided into countless counties in Daqin. It is said that the person guarding here is called Mengwu."

"Meng Wu, shall we tell him?"

"Mengwu? His power is extremely powerful, but he has an emperor to be loyal to. It is said that their emperor is only a teenager and not yet an adult."

"Haha! Such a young Daqin Emperor 5.1 Emperor? Isn't it easy to bully? Let's send someone who can speak well."

"That's right, make good friends with the Great Qin Kingdom, and then we will occupy both Macedonia and Rome!"

"The Alexander the Great of the Macedonian Empire is really too powerful."

"Macedonia's policy, like the hedgehog, is really difficult to fight."

"Hard to fight? My Roman warriors are the most invincible!"

"How about we let Alan talk to Macedonia? Let's say Macedonia is richer than our Rome."

"That's a good plan!"

"But we still have to cross with Daqin first. It is said that our messenger merchants have already traveled to the far east!"

"I like that ancient Huaxia Daqin."

"I prefer the silk there and the china there more!".

Chapter 400 Cultural Invasion

The empire's road to rest has been completely built.

A steady stream of resting horses came to the land of the empire.

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