Sharma murmured.

During these days, he saw many monks who were enshrined, spreading this doctrine.

"You should be in awe of the Qin people as if you were in awe of the Buddha."

"No, even the Buddha will be worshipped by the Qin people!"

The monk looked at the Qin people who were about to raise the whip and couldn't help but change his words.

At this moment, the young Sharma accepted the monk's idea.

He admires Qin people even more!

He used all his own to worship the Qin people.

Little did he know that those monks had been completely controlled by the Qin people.

Although many monks committed suicide, there are still monks who are afraid of death.

According to what the Qin people said, they put the Qin people above the Buddha!

But soon, Sharma discovered that many people died in the road construction.

He also felt extremely tired.

"This is the Buddha's punishment!"

"When the punishment comes, we can ascend to the Pure Land of Bliss."

"We have to accept this punishment, which is the grace of the Buddha."

Sharma thought.

Chapter 406 The best slave in the world! -->>(Page 1/2), please click the next page to continue reading.

Sharma thought.

He could see those Qin people smiling and saying things they couldn't understand.

"These slaves of poisonous people are simply idiots!"

"We are in the empire, but we are enslaved by people, but we never thought that after encountering poisonous people, they would treat us as kings."

"I love these poisonous people to death."

"Zhao Gao County Governor is really amazing, these poisonous people are born slaves!"

Sharma listened to the incomprehensible words, and was even more in awe.

Legend has it that only the scriptures spoken by the Buddha are not understood by others.

Maybe Qin people's words are as sacred as scriptures, and it is normal for him to not understand.

He didn't know at all that the Qin people they dedicated their hearts to were actually the most humble enslavement in the empire.

More people died.

Some are exhausted on the road.

Some were punished by Qin people who were stronger than Buddha and buried alive because they did not meet the standard.

Sharma could hear many drug slaves swearing at those who had been murdered.

"Those are people who don't know how to fear the gods, so they will be punished!"

"Only by being pious to the gods can we live a better life."

Beside Sharma, an old poisonous person said so.

His bright eyes were full of wisdom.

Sharma felt that the old man was right.

It's just that the old man died of exhaustion the next day.

When he died, there was a smile on the corner of his mouth. After trying the sentence I saw the Pure Land of Bliss, he went completely.

Sharma felt that the wise old man must have gone to the Pure Land of Bliss.

It was only on the fifth day that he finally felt that his body lacked any strength.

He knew that he was about to die!

However, he did not see the Pure Land of Ultimate Bliss that the old man said.

Can only feel a cold.

"' 'Perhaps, my beliefs are not religious enough."

Sharma couldn't help thinking.

Before he died, he was repenting.

"It must be that I was not religious enough, which made those Qin people angry, so this punishment came."

"It's all my fault."

"I should worship the Qin people more devoutly, so that the Qin people will not punish us."

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