However, because there were so many boats and so many soldiers loaded, it was like a nail in the back, stationed in the cottage, which made Zhao Gao feel extremely uncomfortable.

"Today, the poisonous people have occupied a camp on the coast, relying on the mountain to defend. Our army has made tentative attacks many times, but the poisonous people's defense is extremely tight."

"Especially the log, which was nailed with many thorns, and when it was pushed down from it, it would kill many people."

Speaking of which, those soldiers are still a little afraid.

0 ...

In the war in China, there were also rolling stones and logs, but most of them were smashed down as heavy objects.

But in the war here, the log above has become more deadly.

Even the brave Hu people warriors did not dare to rashly attack the camp built by the poisonous people.

This is quite a challenge for Chinese warriors!

Only the corner of Zhao Gao's mouth showed a cruel smile!

"I know you are all afraid of death!"

"But if you don't rush up, you will also be killed by me!"

"However, I have a way."

"We have a lot of poisoned slaves!"

"First send him twenty thousand people to attack the city!"

"After all their defense equipment is exhausted, you can attack again!"

"In any case, we must completely capture that stronghold before it gets dark!"

"In short, we can't let the poisoned people continue to attack our rear!"

Zhao Gao quickly gave the order.

At this time, King Ashoka was already overwhelmed by the army.

Almost all the way.

But when they were about to meet Zhao Gao's main force, their battle suddenly became extremely difficult.

A large number of poisonous slaves were pushed to the front, forcing them to fight against the poisonous army!

King Ashoka saw that the first people to rush were his own people, and he was immediately furious.

"Are these people crazy?".

Chapter 409 Zhao Gao's Viciousness

The soldiers of the Peacock Dynasty did not understand their compatriots at all, and they had to fight for those Qin people.

They saw a very strange scene.

Those compatriots were crying and shouting, saying that they didn't want to kill them, but the next moment, they used their own hands to knock open the shields of the soldiers of the Maurya Dynasty and snatched the weapons in their hands.

These compatriots, wearing only a single shirt, did not look threatening at all.

As long as they gently send the short spear forward in their hands, they can completely kill them.


Nobody wants to do that.

"What are you doing? Stop it! Stop it!"

The soldiers of the Peacock Dynasty were shouting, but those compatriots did not care about their feelings at all, and rushed forward desperately.

There were even Peacock Dynasty soldiers who could not bear to attack, and were trampled to death by these people "September [-]".

When it comes to death, they may not understand why these people are allowed to die in the late stage.

Zhao Gao watched the battle from a distant mountain.

Behind him, there are a large number of women and children who are poisonous.

To be precise, these people are the wives and children of those assault soldiers.

If the captured poisoned slaves kept giving orders, then the wives and children of these assault soldiers would all be executed.

In this case, those unarmed poisoners could only rush towards the well-guarded camp of poisoners according to Zhao Gao's needs.

As someone said, he and the soldiers of the Peacock Dynasty are compatriots, and the Qin people will kill them, but those people will not kill them!

Therefore, in order to survive, they had to listen to Zhao Gao's words.

They, there is no way.

Except to obey.

They can only go and rob soldiers who they had never dared to offend.

Zhao Gao watched this scene with great interest.

Compared with the soldiers of the Peacock Dynasty, his soldiers were still far worse.

However, he can use this extremely vicious method.

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