He led the personal guards, and also thought about the fact that he was in the camp of poisonous people, and launched a charge.

His bodyguards are only a hundred people, but they are wearing the iron armor of the empire!

Although its thickness has been deliberately reduced, it is still iron armor after all!

He knew that most of these guards who could wear iron armor were probably from the imperial court, from various forces, but he still wanted to use these people after all.

At least, he lives under the eyes of others to prove his heart for the court!

Now, he went down to the battlefield in person, in order to be the marquis he had been looking forward to.

As long as you defeat this army, you will be self-defeating.

With the fall of a thin and poisonous soldier, his armor was already covered with blood.

Ashoka even saw where Zhao Gao was.

On this battlefield, people who can wear iron armor and ride 793 chariots are obviously the main presence of the enemy army.

"It's him! Zhao Gao!"

In the Peacock Dynasty, very few people knew that His Majesty the First Emperor of Qin was called Ying Zheng.

But almost everyone knows Zhao Gao's name!

Even, they would use a vicious tone to say 'Zhao Gao' in Qin's words!

All of this is because of their resentment towards Zhao Gao.

Zhao Gao, as if he was an emissary sent from hell, did all evil and did not treat people like people at all.

Many people have regarded him as a demon with horns on his head.

Although Zhao Gao now looks very tall and even a little handsome, only his eyes are a little more feminine.

"Kill Zhao Gao! This war is over!"

The corner of Ashoka's mouth showed a wicked smile.

King Ashoka also had personal guards beside him.

This is ten thousand elite cavalry.

Now, these cavalrymen are all swarming down, heading straight for Zhao Gao's direction.

"Kill Zhao Gao!"

"Kill Zhao Gao!"

For a time, the poisonous people around Zhao Gao seemed to have been beaten with blood, and they rushed towards him one after another.

It's just that Zhao Gao's face showed a sinister smile. .

Chapter 416 Hero Zhang Er, Liu Bang's pride!

This plain in the southeastern part of the Peacock Dynasty has completely become a meat grinder!

Countless corpses fell to the ground.

From the initial small-scale test to the later stage of the big fight, this battle has been fought for half a month.

The frontal war alone has been fought for three days!

The two sides started the war with [-] troops, fought in turns, and now have all sent troops in a desperate attempt.

Whether it was Zhao Gao or King Ashoka, they all made a real fire.

However, the most powerful people on the battlefield, in addition to the elites of King Ashoka, as well as the Qin people under Zhao Gao, belong to the novice monks.

These people are the real cruel!

Liu Bang saw the elephants rush into the novice group with his own eyes.

Liu Bang's formation, like a tortoise shell, couldn't get through at all!

But human power is impossible, and elephant power is hard to say.

"Don't rush over here!"

Liu Bang did not think about it.

Once the war elephant collided, this turtle tactics would be torn to shreds directly.

But through the gap, he saw a novice monk confronting the war elephant.

There was even a novice monk who raised his shield against the elephant's body, and slammed the elephant into the ground abruptly!

The power of the novice monk once again left a deep impression in Liu Bang's heart.

"These novice monks are much stronger than the rangers of the six Kanto countries."

"It's not human at all!"

The rangers on the land of China, although they practice martial arts and belong to the six arts of the gentleman, they cannot be like the novice monks, they just exercise every day.

Only Gai Nie Weizhuang and others can compare with these novice monks in terms of kung fu.

It's just that Liu Bang is just a little ranger, and his scope is only in Pei County.

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