It's just that most of the Western ships are relatively small, and there are really not many that can be seen.

Ying Zheng soon came to inspect the fleet.

Most of these ships are parked at the port of Panyu.

On the ship, a large amount of materials have been well sealed, and the materials are loaded by cross, preventing an accident on a sea-going ship, but causing supply problems.

In short, these ships are all prepared, and there are [-] trained sailors on board, waiting for the army to set off.

Seeing this, Ying Zheng nodded in satisfaction.

"Very good! Three days later, the army will set off for the body poison!"

"Zhao Gao's body poison has damaged the majesty of Great Qin and injured many Qin people, so I will teach them to be poisonous and dare to offend the majesty of the empire!"

Hearing this, Tian Ze was already extremely excited.

"Tianze requests to accompany His Majesty."

Although Tian Ze has a high status in Baiyue, he knows that everything he has is given by Ying Zheng.

Instead, he wanted to fight with Ying Zheng to conquer the world, rather than stick to one side.

Ying Zheng also felt Tian Ze's belligerence.


"Tianze, thank the Emperor!"

Tian Ze got up, with endless joy on his face.

The next day will be a reward for the army.

Tian Ze took out all the good things in Panyu City and began to eat and drink.

Next, they will go to the battlefield of poison!

Three days later, the army set off on time!

ps, Kawen, there are fewer updates, 囧, the three-shift should be resumed tomorrow. .

Text Chapter 421 The first navy in the world?

To go to Shendu, if you walk on land, it will take about 2500 kilometers to reach Shendu.

There are too many poisonous insects in the mountains and forests in the south. If you want to walk from the land, it is more reliable to bypass the Western Regions and send troops.

And the best way is to sail!

Sailing to cross the Singapore of the future, and now, here is just a peninsula, living on it is quite primitive indigenous people.

These indigenous people, although they have language, do not have writing and culture.

It also depends on the tropical climate and eats sea fish on the island.

This kind of worry-free situation, coupled with the small population, it is difficult to promote the derivation of civilization.

In this era, this place was translated and called 'Puluozhong'.

It's just that now, Poluo has an army stationed by the Empire.

There, not only a port was built, but also a town.

Tian Ze even said: "Your Majesty, because the fleet wants to go to the west, it has to pass through here."

"And it's a good place to supply supplies through here."

"So, I dispatched a garrison of [-] people to be stationed here."

"With this, we can get to the body poison and can also be well groomed."

"And, the scenery here is also very interesting."

Ying Zheng looked at the scenery on the beach and nodded.

Now the fleet has sailed more than 3000 kilometers, and everyone has been floating on the boat for 5 days.

For a long time on the ship, the spirit of the soldiers will also have problems.

So staying here for a few days is a good way.

Now Xianyang has not yet started spring, but the climate here has already warmed up. Sitting under the coconut trees by the beach, looking at the crystal clear waters and the blue sky and white clouds in the distance, Ying Zheng's mind is also emptied.

"The environment here is very nice."

"Carve stones here..."

"From now on, this is the territory of the Empire."

"I want to build a palace here."


Tian Ze happily took the order.

Actually.The imperial army has been stationed in this Pulu for nearly a year.

The natives of the nearby land have long been attached to the Qin people.

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