Chapter 422 The steam ironclad is showing its power!

In the early morning of early spring, there is not too thick fog on the sea of ​​poisonous sea.

But this also greatly affected the sight.

And when the first imperial warship came out of the fog, all the poisonous sailors were full of shock.

They had never seen such a magnificent warship!

"How did the Qin people build such a magnificent warship?"


"In naval operations, large ships are always stronger than small ships. If the Qin army has 150 ships like this, then even if we have 3000, it won't be of much benefit."

The poisonous navy admiral, who was still extremely rampant, looked serious at this moment.

He couldn't imagine why this happened.

Why is the Qin people's navy so powerful?

But, he was obviously wrong.

The Imperial Navy, how could that kind of ship be possible?

That ship was just a transport ship built by the South Vietnam Shipyard.

And when even larger ships of good fortune appeared one after another from the fog, the sailors of the poisoned navy had grown their mouths in surprise.

They couldn't believe what they were seeing!


"Why is that?"

"How on earth did the Qin people build such a magnificent warship!"

"This is simply a small town moving on the sea!"

When the treasure ship appeared, many sailors of the Peacock Dynasty began to lose their minds.

They couldn't describe how big the treasure ship was.

Even their largest ship, in front of the treasure ship, is like a small house sparrow in front of an elephant.

There is no comparison at all!

"How did we defeat the Qin people before us?"

"The navy of the Qin people was able to sail into the sea of ​​poison!"

"The Qin people's warships are too huge, we... I'm afraid we can't beat them..."

The naval battles of this year are still in the state of receiving side battles.

That is to say, the warship is approaching, the two sides shoot arrows, and then approach again, use the rope to pull the other's warship over, and then use the springboard to jump on the other's warship to carry out the battle to seize the ship!

This way of fighting has been going on for countless years!

But they looked at the incomparably tall hull of the imperial battleship, and their hearts were full of sighs.

"Such a huge warship is even taller than the city walls on land."

"How do we climb up!"

"Can't climb up, how can I fight?"

"You can't even shoot arrows!"

At this moment, the poisonous 150 small ships were extremely powerless in front of the [-] warships of the empire.

They don't even know how to fight!

But the Peacock Dynasty finally defeated Zhao Gao, and at this time still had the pride of Qin people.

They feel that they can defeat the Qin people, so the pride in their hearts will make them feel that they are always superior to others.

"Rush over first and try the war!"

"The Qin people are really strong in making equipment, but in terms of victory, God will still favor my poisonous warriors."

"Come on!"

The drums of war sounded on the sea.

The naval battle between the Daqin Empire and the Peacock Dynasty was also triggered immediately.

Chapter 422 The Steam Ironclad Shows Its Prestige! -->>(Page 1/2), please click the next page to continue reading.

The naval battle between the Daqin Empire and the Peacock Dynasty was also triggered immediately.

These boats of the Peacock Dynasty rushed over quickly, wanting to make contact.

However, the artillery on the imperial warship had long been aimed at the rushing boats.

Everyone is waiting for Ying Zheng's order.

It's just that Ying Zheng didn't give an order, but there was a smile on the corner of his mouth.

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