At the same time, when the imperial people were building construction in this 'Zhennugang', King Ashoka had once again received the news that the Qin people had come here again.

"The Qin people came from the sea?"

Ashoka directly crushed the wine glass in his hand and was extremely angry.

"' 'These Qin people, are they endless?"

"Have you not learned a lesson from the previous battle?"

King Ashoka was extremely angry, and at the same time he had begun to quickly convene ministers to discuss.

Even Elder Dixu came here.

"The Qin people came from the sea. These Qin people are not comparable to those Qin people led by Zhao Gao."

"Their weapons are more powerful than the weapons in the hands of Zhao Gaoqin."

"That kind of super warship is comparable to a palace, and it is extremely shocking to look at it."

"I heard that Qin State dispatched 150 warships this time, with a total of 15 people. It is said that even His Majesty the First Emperor of Qin came to the body in person?"

"Is His Majesty the First Emperor of Daqin crazy? He wants to go on an expedition?"

At this time, many ministers who were poisonous were already excited.

The arrival of Ying Zheng made them quite excited.

"Our navy was instantly defeated when it faced Qin's navy."

"There is no doubt that the Qin people are powerful!"

"It's impossible for our warships to lose any of the Qin's warships."

"When the poisonous ministers said this, their voices have gradually become quieter."

But King Ashoka laughed wildly.


"No matter how powerful the Qin people are, if they want to conquer body poison, they have to go ashore."

"In that case, we are on land, and we will fight them to the death!"

For a time, the poisonous high-level officials have reached a consensus that they must seize Ying Zheng at all costs.

No matter where Ying Zheng goes, he is like the sun, high above and always so dazzling.

And those who delusionally want to catch Ying Zheng are actually smashed! .

Text Chapter 427 An army of millions!

When the body poisoner learned that the First Emperor of Qin had come to the body poison, everyone felt that as long as they captured Ying Zheng, they could threaten the Daqin Empire.

"Compared with Da Qin, the Peacock Dynasty is a bit weaker."

"But even so, as long as the First Emperor of Qin is afraid, and you want to invade my Peacock Dynasty again, you have to weigh it."

"This battle is won, and within a hundred years of the Peacock Dynasty, there will be no more wars!"

Ashoka stood at the highest point, with a hint of ruthlessness in his eyes.

If Zhao Gao made him sick, he was raging like a vulture in the Mauryan Dynasty.

Although so many people died, none of the Daqin Dynasty was hurt.

On the contrary, it is the inside of the Peacock Dynasty, which is broken.

But this time, Ying Zheng's invasion had completely stimulated the blood in Ashoka's body.

King Ashoka, who has fought for many years, is very clear about how big a problem is involved in this battle!

If there is a problem, then the entire Peacock Dynasty will probably decline completely.

"This battle involves the fundamentals of the country!"

"No matter what, we will win!"

"We must win too!"

"Pass my order, recruit slaves all over the world, and send 100 million troops!"


"There is nothing else in my Peacock Dynasty, just a lot of people!"

"I just want to show the first emperor of Daqin the national strength of my Peacock Dynasty!"

At this moment, King Ashoka knew very well that this battle had shaken the country.

In his heart, a ruthlessness rose again.

Because of the pressure brought by the First Emperor of Qin to him, the former King Ashoka was revived again.

At this moment, he wants to mobilize all the power of this country and win this war.

And the number of people who arrived in Daqin by warships was only [-].

With such a number of people, how can they compete with the millions of troops of the Peacock Dynasty?

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