Elder Dixu seemed to be unaware of the approaching Jianmang, put his hands together, and just chanted the scriptures softly.


A sound of gold and iron clashing suddenly sounded.

Chapter 435 Yin-Yang Fighting-->>(Page 1/2), please click on the next page to continue reading.

A sound of gold and iron clashing suddenly sounded.

The Star Soul Sword slumped, as if a sword had been slashed on a piece of extremely hard divine iron, and the long sword in his hand was bounced back abruptly!


Xinghun looked shocked. This sword used [-]% of his strength. Even the five elders of the Yin-Yang family couldn't resist it. He was so easily carried by this Buddhist monk!


Almost at the same time, Xu Fu's deep voice recalled from one side.

Elder Dixu's pupils shrank suddenly, and in his eyes, day suddenly turned into night, and in the starry sky, a star suddenly fell in the morning and turned into a meteor.

The meteor was so fast, but within a few moments, it reached the head of Elder Dixu.


Elder Dixu coughed up blood and looked sluggish.

"Buddhist supernatural powers are weird. Since they can resist physical attacks, kill them with magic!"

Xu Fu said with a solemn expression, and while speaking, the staff in his hand waved instantly, a spiritual net suddenly appeared, and he fell head-on towards Elder Dixu and other Buddhist monks.

Xinghun and Yun Zhongjun got the prompt, and immediately shot, their hands were just imprinted.

"Namo Amitabha!"

Beside Elder Dixu, an eminent Buddhist monk recited the Buddha's name, and in an instant, a string of Buddha beads in his hand flew out and took the Xinghun face door.


Xinghun raised his sword to resist, and in an instant, he only felt an incomparably huge force attacking, instantly causing his internal organs to churn.


Xinghun coughed up blood and suffered losses one after another in the hands of Buddhism, which made his eyes bright for a while.


Yun Zhongjun snorted coldly, squeezed the seal with his hand, and the bodhi leaf under his feet seemed like a wandering dragon for a while. As Yun Zhongjun reached out his hand, he instantly stabbed the three Buddhist monks like a flying knife.

"So 277 I heard that the vajra does not destroy the body, neither arise nor perish, nor is it defiled or pure..."

The three Buddhist monks were reciting the Buddha's name, and a golden light appeared on the surface of the body.

However, countless bodhi leaves flew by, and they passed directly through the body surface of the three Buddhist monks. The defense of the indestructible body of the King Kong, which could resist the sword of the star soul, was of no use at all!





The three Buddhist monks coughed up blood one after another. For a while, it was like a withered autumn leaf, and in an instant, they were ten years older!

"The body poison Buddhist is good at King Kong not bad, it is difficult to hurt him with a sword!"

"Let's take action together and cut his soul!"

The three Yin-Yang family started to move, and their bodies suddenly moved like ghosts, appearing around the three Buddhist monks in the position of three talents.

"Lock the sky and lock the earth, Yin and Yang are forever separated!"

The three of Star Soul squeezed the seal with their hands, and in an instant, the sky was overcast, and the air was terrifyingly suppressed.

The three Buddhist monks, who were already weak, only felt that between the heavens and the earth, there seemed to be invisible chains that bound them so firmly that they could not break free!

"Yin and Yang Soul Eater!"

Suddenly, the figure of Yun Zhongjun flickered and appeared beside the three Buddhist monks. A whisk appeared in his hand, and he flicked it lightly. In an instant, the three Buddhist monks Fang Buddha was killed by the blow, and he closed his eyes immediately. die! .

Text Chapter 436 The treasure, the pearl of the deep sea

"Your Majesty, fortunately not humiliated!"

Xinghun, Yun Zhongjun, and Xu Fu bowed their heads and bowed.

On the dragon chair, Ying Zheng watched the entire competition with an indifferent expression.

"Since Buddhism has lost, there is no need to exist!"

"Buddhism has deep roots in the poisonous tree. It takes a lot of effort for the empire to uproot them!"

"Since the Yin-Yang family is willing to do things for the empire, then I will give you a chance! The task of eradicating the poisonous Buddhist sect will be handed over to your Yin-Yang family!"

The empire never raises idlers. Only those who can contribute to the empire can survive on the soil of Daqin.

After receiving Ying Zheng's order, Yun Zhongjun and the three were overjoyed.

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