"Holding a crossbow!"

With a loud shout, all the black armored iron cavalrymen raised their steel crossbows.

400 steps!


Chapter 9000 Life and death are all ordered by the king! (Add more flowers to 1!) -->>(Page 2/[-]), please click the next page to continue reading.


When the first crossbow arrow was fired, the arrow feathers shot over the sky overwhelmingly!

The black armored cavalry walked along the edge of the enemy army, and arrows were constantly shooting at the enemy soldiers, and those soldiers wanted to hit these Yulin guards, but they couldn't hit them at all!

The black armored cavalry had four legs, so they could run faster than them!

Even if the infantry rushes up, if there are not many people, they will still be completely washed away by the black armored iron cavalry!

"Raise your shield!"

There was a loud shout from below the scorpion, and the shield suddenly rose, but the strong mobility of the cavalry quickly circled to the side of the shield!

It just turned into a massacre!

Black armored cavalry, there is no too complicated change at all, just use the mobility of the warhorse, but the long-range ability of the steel crossbow, to achieve this effect!

Although a wave of crossbow arrows went down, only a few hundred people would die in the end, but after all, the large army was still attacking the city, and the people in the back were dying more and more, and the army of [-] people panicked instantly.

When the Black Armored Iron Cavalry used the steel crossbow to shoot 3 rounds and was about to shoot all the crossbow arrows, the enemy had already shot dead nearly [-] people by them!

In the end, I don't know who shouted and quickly fled to the distance.

Immediately following, more and more soldiers escaped!

Cheng Zhan's military heart has dissipated!

The black armored iron cavalry took the crossbow arrow again and clenched the long Ge.

Meng Tian looked at the disintegrating army, his blood was surging, and the long Ge in his hand pointed straight ahead.


For the black armored cavalry, the defeated army could not form an effective resistance at all. Meng Tian led the Yulin Guard and slaughtered arbitrarily below.

Meng Ao was speechless in shock.

"This new army formed by the king... is a bit too ruthless!"

"I have fought for so many years, but I have never thought of this kind of soldier!"

"Maybe only the king can train such soldiers!"

"However, the black armored cavalry has not been formally trained yet. If it really becomes an army, how terrifying will it be?"

Mengao thought of this, and his face flushed with excitement.

"Open the city gate and leave the city! Kill the enemy!"

Mengao gave an order, and they refused to miss this opportunity after all.

It's just that Ying Zheng has already looked behind him.

The army is for killing people.

It's just that some people in the army can't die yet.

"Gai Nie Tianze, Mo Ya and Bai Feng! Those who don't deserve to die are brought to the widow."


The next moment, Gai Nie Tianze, Mo Ya Bai Feng and others had already gone to intercept those targets.

"The king wants you to live! Then you can't die!"

A cruel smile appeared on Tian Ze's mouth.

Main text Chapter [-] System Rewards: Three-piece War Set!

For Gai Nie Tianze and others, it is not difficult to catch the target person in this chaotic army.

They believe that the life and death of these people can only be decided by Ying Zheng.

Ying Zheng wanted them to live, but they couldn't die!

Ying Zheng wants them to die, so they can't live!

Life and death are all by the king's order!

No one knows whether there is a God in this world.

But the Qin people believed that in the Qin state, Ying Zheng was a god.

At this time, Cheng Yan was being guarded by his subordinates and quickly fled into the distance.

"Fortunately, those black armored cavalrymen didn't come in this direction!"

"How can there be such a powerful army, it's terrifying!"

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