"Liu Bang, my minister, has seen His Majesty the Emperor!"

After being summoned, Liu Bang held a brocade box the size of a human head, and bowed respectfully under the stone steps.

"Reporting to Your Majesty, Wei Chen attacked Hua's City this time, and found a strange treasure in the Palace of Poison King, named: 'Pearl of the Deep Sea'!"

"Your Majesty is the most honorable person in the world, and all good things in the world should belong to His Majesty!" (Do you Zhao)

"Therefore, after getting this thing, Wei Chen dared to come forward, hoping to dedicate the 'Pearl of the Deep Sea' to His Majesty!"

Without Ying Zheng opening his mouth, a servant would go and bring the Pearl of the Deep Sea and present it in front of Ying Zheng.

The head-sized brocade box was opened, and in an instant, a flash of blue light flashed, lighting up the entire palace!

Night Pearl?

When Ying Zheng saw this, he instantly lost interest.

Although this night pearl is the size of a human head, it is crystal clear and radiant, it is a rare treasure at first glance, but compared with the ancient Bodhi tree, it looks vulgar!

"Your Majesty, I heard from the poisonous person that this deep sea pearl is not a simple night pearl!"

"It has been blessed by the seven ancient Buddhas of Buddhism, and it already has Buddha nature, which can ward off evil spirits and exorcise ghosts and gods!"

"If you keep this night pearl by your side, you can avoid all diseases...".

Chapter 437: The Inflated Liu Bang

Not sick?

Ying Zheng had no interest in this deep-sea pearl in an instant. He took the healthy fruit himself. When did he get sick over the years?

Although this deep-sea pearl is magical, to him, it is just one more collectible.

Beneath the stone steps, Liu Bang was eloquently explaining.

Suddenly, he seemed to feel that Ying Zheng was not interested, and his breath suddenly suffocated, and the atmosphere of the entire hall began to become extra depressed.

Time has become a special test for people.

tick, tick...

At the foot of the stone steps, Liu Bang broke down in cold sweat, feeling only frightened for a while, although Ying Zheng, who was sitting at the top, didn't say anything.

But it still put a lot of pressure on him, making Liu Bang feel as if he had just walked through the gates of hell!

On the throne, Ying Zheng looked down at Liu Bang, who was kneeling below, and felt emotional for a while.

This is the Han emperor who defeated Xiang Yu and created the Han Dynasty in history!But now it is still crawling under his feet, like an ant!

Although he was emotional, Ying Zheng didn't think there was anything wrong with this!

I am a born emperor, and the most honorable person in the world. Even Liu Bang, who could have created a country, can only bow his head and surrender in front of me!

490 Once in history, he was able to create the Great Han Dynasty, that is, the first emperor was already dead!And now I am not the first emperor in history!

My Great Qin is also destined to be immortal, shining with the sun and the moon, and living with the heavens and the earth!

Just Liu Bang, in my hands, what kind of storms can he cause?

"Deep Sea Pearl is good! You did a good job!"

When Ying Zheng's plain words came, Liu Bang, who was nervous at first, breathed a sigh of relief. Cold sweat broke out from his back, and he felt that he was wandering between life and death.

"The battle of Zhennugang, the defeat of King Ashoka, thanks to your credit, you can win Huashi City, it is your ability!"

"The high-ranking officials in Daqin have always been the ones who are capable!"

"The land of body poison has become the territory of my Daqin. From now on, body poison people will be the main source of slaves in my Daqin!"

"I want you to manage body poison and provide the best quality slaves for my Daqin!"

As Ying Zheng opened his mouth, Liu Bang, who had been wandering between life and death a second ago, was instantly filled with surprises.

"Wei Chen thanked His Majesty the Emperor!"

"Chen Liu Bang, I will do my best for my big (ajce) Qin and die!"

Liu Bang has always been a careerist, and he made a great contribution in attacking Fahrenheit City this time, and he was able to get the reward of Ying Zheng.

For a time, Liu Bang's mind was agitated.

As the saying goes that a scholar dies for his confidant, at this moment Liu Bang even has the urge to immediately give up his life for the First Emperor.

"Go down!"

"Wei Chen retire!"

Liu Bang saluted respectfully with a very low attitude. If possible, he would even wish to learn the etiquette of poisonous people and lick the emperor's boots to prove his allegiance!

As the saying goes, a few families are happy and a few families are sad. Just when Liu Bang was rewarded and proud of his horse's hoof in the spring breeze, in the poisonous mountains, a continuous village was rapidly established.

"Prince West Road, the cottage has been built, enough for everyone to live in!"

"It's just that there are countless poisonous insects and beasts in this mountain, and these are the things that really threaten our survival!"

"My subordinates feel that instead of lingering in the mountains, it is better to go out and fight to the death with those demons in Daqin!"

In the mountains, a cottage built on the top of the mountain.

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