Hearing this, Ying Zheng's heart suddenly surged, and he really has immortality!

If you can refine this medicine yourself, and have a Daqin who is in charge of yourself, why can't you be immortal?

Immortality, I will take it!

Ying Zheng has a firm vision and immortality. He must get it. In this way, Fang can live up to the most powerful dynasty in the world and live his life in vain!

"System, why is there a mission rating this time?"

When his mind stabilized, Ying Zheng opened his mouth again with doubts in his heart.

He can understand things like Chaotian Hall, famous general summoning cards, etc., but this time the system actually has a quest rating!

This has never happened before!

"The mission rating is a mission level specially used to measure the host to end the ancient civilization!"

"This rating can only be obtained by ending the ancient civilization and destroying the famous 'ancient civilization' in history. The higher the rating, the richer the reward!"

It turned out to be so... Ying Zheng suddenly understood in his heart.

He destroyed the ancient Indian civilization by himself, so he was able to obtain 'Baishou Pantao', one of the main materials for refining the elixir of life!

Chapter 450 Summoning Card, Three Treasures Eunuch? -->>(Page 1/2), please click the next page to continue reading.

He destroyed the ancient Indian civilization by himself, so he was able to obtain 'Baishou Pantao', one of the main materials for refining the elixir of life!

In this way, if I want to refine the elixir of longevity, I am afraid that several other ancient civilizations will also be destroyed!

Ying Zheng pondered in his heart that the elixir of life was something he was determined to obtain, and anyone who dared to stop him would be turned into powder under the iron cavalry of the Qin army!

"Use the Famous General Summoning Card!"

Ying Zheng thought silently in his heart.

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for summoning the three treasures eunuch 'Zheng He'!"

Zheng He?

Ying Zheng's heart lit up, and he was suddenly surprised. He had to know that the famous general summoning cards in the past had never summoned historical figures of later generations!

And this time, he was able to summon Zheng He, the famous eunuch of the Ming Dynasty!

Does that mean that in the future, I will have the opportunity to let Guan Erye and Lu Bu serve in the army together, and let Zhuge Liang and Liu Bowen serve as officials in the same dynasty!

"continue to use!"

Ying Zheng thought silently in his heart.

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for obtaining the famous minister 'Liu Bowen' in Ming Dynasty!"


Come on whatever you say!

Ying Zheng sighed in his heart for a while, he really didn't expect that this time he would summon Zhuge Liang for three points of the world, and Liu Ji, who dominates Liu Bowen's country!

In the palace hall, a valet suddenly came.

"Reporting to Your Majesty, there is a Taoist outside the palace gate asking to see you! He said that there is a treasure that can increase life expectancy to be presented to His Majesty"


Isn't that the treasure that increases life expectancy 'Bai Shou Pan Peach'?

Ying Zheng's heart moved, and then he asked, "What's the name of that Daoist?"

"Call yourself Liu Bowen!"

It turned out to be the case, Ying Zheng knew it in his heart, but he didn't expect the system to send the reward like this this time.

"Let that person come to see me!"


The valet bowed and left.

Soon, the attendant led a Taoist man in a flowing Taoist robe holding a whisk.

As expected of Liu Bowen, he is indeed immortal!

Ying Zheng looked down at the Taoist below, and couldn't help but praised in his heart.

"Liu Bowen, the person at the end, has met His Majesty the First Emperor!"

"Free gift!"

"Thank you, Your Majesty!"

Ying Zheng looked at Liu Bowen and then said, "India is thousands of miles apart from Daqin in the Middle Earth, and there are mountains in the middle!"

"Being able to travel between the two places, only I, Daqin Louchuan, since you are from the Middle Earth, how did you come to India?"

"Reporting to Your Majesty, Caomin is following the yin and yang clan giant Dong Huangtai!"

Liu Bowen spoke respectfully.

East Emperor Taiyi?

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