However, as soon as they fought, they were immediately dumbfounded.

The weapon in his hand and the Qin army will be broken as soon as they touch, and the opponent's weapon can easily pierce the armor on his body!

And his own weapon hit Qin Jun, but it was defended by the armor on the opponent's body, and it didn't hurt at all!

"My God! Where did this devil come from?"


"Help! Help me..."

For a time, on the battlefield, countless Roman soldiers were wailing constantly, the army was in chaos, and there was no way to fight back. It was a one-sided slaughter!

Above the city wall, Rafigal looked horrified: "General Sarofis, hurry up, bring someone out to drive them out!"

"My castle... these Qin people are devils!"

"Where the hell did they come from?"

The city lord Rafigal looked desperate. He had already seen his future. The Teutonic Castle had fallen, and even if he could escape, he would still be punished by the Senate!

"Quick, General Sarofis, get the Qin army out! I beg you..."

Rafigal was blinded, talking to himself like a wind demon.

Sarofes looked terrified, seeing the strength of the Qin army, he dared to go out there, but there was only one thought in his heart at this time.

escape!How far to run away...

Almost instantly, Sarofis pushed the city lord Rafigar away, hurriedly greeted his personal soldiers, and prepared to slip away from the other side of the city.

However, on the battlefield of the Qin army, all the soldiers are full of longing for the head of the enemy general. After all, the military merit of killing the general is far beyond the soldiers!

"Want to run away?"

As soon as they saw Sarofis in gorgeous armor, how could the soldiers of the Qin army let them get away.

The surrounding Qin army immediately stopped them one after another.

"Go away! This general's head belongs to Lao Tzu!"

"Fuck your mother, Li Erniu, this is what Lao Tzu discovered first...".

Chapter 459 The Roman Senate in Panic

"Go away! He's Lao Tzu's!"

"Don't make any noise, kill first and then divide..."

For a time, dozens of Qin soldiers swooped in. Sarofis looked sad and angry. He felt like a cow and sheep to be slaughtered!

At this moment, a group of hungry refugees are competing for his organs!

The bravery of the Qin army was beyond Sarofis' expectations. When he escaped, he took a group of personal soldiers with him to prevent accidents.

As a result, the dozens of personal soldiers were killed by the Qin people in a single encounter!

"Haha! This general belongs to my old Liu..."

A soldier of the Qin army with a full beard and a spear laughed, and the spear in his hand suddenly swung out.


A trace of anger flashed in Sarofis' eyes, and he swung out the golden long sword in his hand, fighting with the Qin army soldier.

"Seven Thirty Seven"

After all, he is also a general who leads a city's soldiers and horses. This soldier is too condescending!


The two fought, each taking a step back.

Sarofis' expression was full of disbelief, how could a soldier in the Qin army be so powerful?

To be able to draw a tie with him!

"Haha! Enjoy, come again..."

The bearded Qin soldier laughed wildly, waved the spear in his hand, and fought with Sarofis again.

call out!

Suddenly, a black feather arrow flew sharply, hitting Sarofis' eyebrows.

"Bastard! Lao Li, your mother-in-law steals Laozi's head every time..."

When Old Liu saw this, he glared in anger, and his image looked ferocious and terrifying.

Seeing this, the Qin Army veterans on the side laughed.

"Che, what do you call a robbery? On the battlefield, how can you be so troublesome in killing people? Do you blame me for not having the ability?"

An old soldier of the Qin army put away the Qin crossbow and cut off Sarofis' left ear with the dagger at his waist.


So, after a stick of incense.

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