Meng Wu looked at the Roman soldiers under the city becoming more and more crazy, and couldn't help laughing.

"Today, I'm going to turn this city into a meat grinder and shred the power of your Roman Empire little by little!"

"Shen Huo Fei Crow, Huo Lei is ready..."


Hearing Meng Wu's order, the surrounding soldiers immediately prepared powerful firearms such as Shenhuo Flying Duck...

Chapter 464 Huanghuang Daqin, afraid of war?ridiculous!



Countless divine fires and crows soared into the sky and landed at the feet of the Roman soldiers.

"My God! What is this..."

"Save me! Woohoo, I don't want to fight anymore!"


The powerful firepower instantly caused the Roman soldiers to collapse, crying and screaming and fleeing, trying to avoid the fire and flying crows!

In the previous war, everyone did it with real swords and real guns!

Who would have thought that the Qin people would have such a powerful weapon. This second you are still holding a spear to attack the city, and the next second you may explode under your feet, leaving you with no bones left!

This strong uncertainty caused the Roman soldiers to collapse!

Outside the central army tent in the distance, Qi Si has been paying attention to this siege. When he saw the powerful weapons used by the Qin army, he suddenly looked solemn.

"Qin Jun's firearms are so powerful!"

Although there was already news from the channel, Qi Si also knew that the Qin people's firearms were sharp, but hearing it was false, and seeing it with his own eyes at this moment, he understood the fear of those soldiers on the battlefield!

"The Qin people's weapons are so powerful, even if it is a plain encounter, we may not be sure!"

"And Felipe, this idiot, has to use his life to level this city!"

"Fortunately, I never thought about being with this idiot!"

"On the bright side, let this idiot Philippi delay the Qin army, just wait a day, at most tomorrow noon, the tunnel can be dug into the city!"

"At that time, if you attack the Qin army at night, you will definitely win a great victory!"

A smug look flashed in Qi Si's eyes, the so-called three Roman warriors, the other two are simply trash!

After defeating the Qin army in this battle, he will surely become famous in Rome and become a well-deserved king of warriors!


Under the distant city, Felipe's eyes flashed with anxiety. ,

At this moment, his army was completely suppressed by Qin Jun's firearms, and there were already signs of collapse.

"Siege the city with this general!"

A sharp look flashed in Philippi's eyes, and he suddenly pulled out the long sword in his hand, and he decided to end the game himself!

Philippi held a large and thick wooden shield in his left hand, a ladder in his right hand, and a sword on his back.

The Qin army shot with crossbow arrows several times, but they could not hinder Feili's score in the slightest!

Sure enough, with the main general attacking the city in person, the army's morale was instantly stabilized, and the Roman soldiers began to set up ladders one after another. ,


Philippe took the lead.

Perhaps because of Philip's role model, the Roman soldiers were extraordinarily brave than before, and there was a faint sign that they were about to attack the city wall!

"Humph! In front of my Great Qin Formation, you dare to play the trick of taking the lead?"

Meng Tian on the city wall noticed that Felipe, who was leading the way, was very brave, and immediately took down a Qin crossbow from a soldier beside him with a sneer.

"call out!"

Suddenly, a black arrow suddenly flew out, drawing an arc in the sky.


Felipe screamed, but the left hand holding the shield was shot by the bow and arrow. The black arrow pierced through his palm and nailed it to the shield!


Philippi's personal guards shouted, intending to protect him.

Seriously wounded, Felipe no longer had the will to attack the city, so he quickly retreated, and quickly got down from the ladder.

Chapter 464 Huanghuang Daqin, afraid of war?ridiculous! -->>(Page 1/2), please click the next page to continue reading.

Seriously wounded, Felipe no longer had the will to attack the city, so he quickly retreated, and quickly got down from the ladder.


In an instant, the fiery Roman army that had been fighting the siege immediately shouted to withdraw, and all the Roman soldiers receded like a tide.

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